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[笔译中级] 2011翻译资格备考:口译必“背”中国成语典故英文翻译(3)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: A) C: X& o5 i+ x7 {5 P‘  一清二楚
  o" J& V9 s& g2 {, y: J* K& d) k  The accounts don't seem to be as clear as crystal.$ X0 m: _) A6 W0 O! K" t1 _3 }
  一意孤行% |$ t* b. b7 M3 i: t& ]7 M+ |8 h
  That boy is always going his own way. He won't listen to his parents' advice.- t7 l. ?( a2 |; o5 C) W
  v) M# x8 ^) ?) W  My son's schoolwork has gone to pot. He really lets me down.
/ ?" Z* }/ n( l- y$ V9 T1 w% i  一鸣惊人& p/ s( h# k0 A2 z) {" ~
  His performance at school really comes as a bombshell.
( ]7 a: {" Z  m& ~  一诺千金! N; t$ a* ]4 E9 e- P4 E
  He never goes back on his word. He is as good as his word.0 w3 m6 i8 p0 N6 m1 B! d2 F% L
  一时兴起1 k% ]- E& w0 g" z' s- Z
  Don't always do things by fits and snatches.. T' Q1 v3 M/ L  b# x& x
  一蹴可及& g( W9 s3 k8 Y% @
  You should know that it is impossible to make it at one stroke.4 a; \) d0 j# x
  一筹莫展7 x/ [, u  x/ x& L- E; m
  I really have no idea what to do. Now I am at my wit's end.2 l5 J0 ~; q4 D& [  X
  一览无遗3 c2 @# g* P* S3 s+ I) g
  If you stand here looking down at the city. The wonderful scene will be in full view.- S& u3 J- P! W: A3 K; D
! k5 D1 }4 Y3 _$ l0 k  What you said is all Greek to me.
2 I/ U  E3 g  W" }  小Car笔记:7 D/ m% ?( g2 Q1 v( t6 ^: H
  wit's end:技穷

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