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[笔译中级] 2011翻译资格备考:口译必“背”中国成语典故英文翻译(8)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
口译必“背”:中国成语典故英文翻译(8)# N, F- G, z; O2 {3 B: X
  大同小异5 B& R% t9 m1 w- L, D& I
  much of muchness:The two articles are much of muchness ( be alike with minor difference ; There's not a pin to choose between the two ) in appearance and quality.
8 }0 \7 n% V8 n& a: J6 _( @# W  W; ?. T  大言不惭" |$ a* I8 h* `5 ?- X# Y: m6 D1 R8 [, W
  blow your own trumpet:You really blow your own trumpet. (talk big; overshoot oneself)
: G+ N5 P' L: C8 N% Y8 m  大快朵颐  A- z# O3 i( C5 B$ Y# W3 W  c
  They are so delicious that I ate my fill. (gorge oneself; tuck in at; have/take one's fill.)( Y- b) K8 h# Y/ f0 j
- F/ r, D. c8 P+ g9 _1 A; V  The big project finally came off with honors (bring home the bacon; come through with flying colors).1 `" Q/ m+ Q3 X, n) l* k8 W
  大智若愚4 B0 c$ @9 z. ~1 C" P5 _
  He who cannot play the fool is not a wise man.
3 y9 @9 d2 D- f. Y: g& Z9 C9 Y  大器晚成
) `* `' B" l: B) `4 ~  Rome was not built in a day.- f3 o6 }8 g3 `$ Q+ w4 o
  大海捞针! S+ R' k, @* U0 m; }0 v+ e
  needle in a haystack:Finding your lost contact lens is just like looking for a needle in a haystack.
7 U( P, b# ]" I0 m4 h- L- q  山穷水尽; w8 v6 l5 E' C# z. a
  at the end of one's resources; y- _6 U) F. }0 i8 W
  山中无老虎,猴子称大王, H0 ]: f! e/ M
  Among the blind the one-eyed is king./When the cat's away, the mice will pay.5 M( z6 ^6 b! A5 P3 h
  小题大做" I* S0 K4 L$ `
  Make a mountain out of a molehill. ( fuss about trifles; a tempest in a teapot; a storm in a teacup; break a butterfly on a wheel )( G, t8 v4 Z" @: w/ n# N. F4 k* s
  小Car笔记:, \7 H) s3 v0 _5 F; O
  much of a muchness:大同小异very much the same
3 a; z" W# _/ ^5 u# v8 P  tuck:大吃,通常后面接away/in ) p- \, r4 K. O2 f. t( I
  come off:实现,发生
- ~' t7 r( A, C2 ~  d  bring home the bacon:成功,也有养家糊口,谋生的意思# H% q+ s/ M% q; M. B4 E+ R  A0 f
  play the fool:干蠢事,演滑稽角色1 D; b% Q) v! @. f
  contact lens:隐形眼镜

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