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[笔译中级] 读名著学笔译:新闻英语翻译练笔

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A Book Lover’s San Francisco
% B: u$ e& h2 m* o( H  P  ON a balmy fall evening in the Mission District of San Francisco, hundreds of people spilled onto Valencia Street, where they chatted happily for a few minutes before pouring back into bookstores, cafes and theaters. It was a giddy, animated crowd, but most of all bookish — a collection of fans and believers, here to listen to the written word.8 o' }9 _( g) [4 o
  The occasion was an event called Litquake, which, over the course of nine days, would draw some 13,000 residents and visitors to readings by scores of authors, many of them — like Maxine Hong Kingston and Daniel Handler (a k a Lemony Snicket) — local celebrities.
5 l; y( p1 L! k3 o5 y2 H  Litquake is an annual event, but on almost any day or night in San Francisco, there is likely to be something for the literary-inclined — a poetry reading at a bar, a book swap in a cafe or a reading in the book-lined lobby of the Rex Hotel. This is a place, after all, where dozens of fiercely independent bookstores not only survive but thrive, thanks to a city of readers who seem to view books not only as a pleasure, but as a cause.( W2 |8 O# @  z# U4 L
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属于书迷的旧金山, _* O3 [$ w' j4 V5 F* a, p  [
0 V1 E0 f& r* ?9 [( H  这个活动被称作“文艺风暴”,在九天的活动时间中吸引了约一万三千人的居民及游客前来聆听作者们亲自诵读作品,其中大部分作者都是当地的名人,例如汤婷婷、汉德勒(也被称作雷蒙?斯尼奇)。
! |8 t- `# |! b. ~9 ^) t0 `  文艺风暴是旧金山一年一度的文学盛会,但时间却从不固定,这也是文学所倡导的精神(这里应该是我断句断错了,应该译为“但这个地方常年欢迎着那些热爱文学的人们”)——你可以在酒吧阅读诗歌,也可以在咖啡厅里交换图书,更可以在雷克斯饭店堆满书的走廊里享受阅读。旧金山是这样一个地方:由于这个城市的读者们将书本不仅仅看做一种乐趣而是生活的意义(又译:本能,同学们自行斟酌吧),先锋独立书店在这里不仅可以生存下去,更可以蓬勃发展。

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