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[笔译中级] 英语中级翻译练习社会篇(附答案)十

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
British Prime Minister Tony Blair admitted on a television programme that he has never sent flowers to his wife Cherie and that he had a youthful crush on Hollywood beauty Grace Kelly. 8 i# F4 [1 N; z
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Blair, who allowed Channel 4 interviewer June Sarpong to shadow him for two days last month, made other personal revelations when asked questions he rarely hears on the usual television political programs.
1 L9 R) m# B: b' ?  U; n' o9 M& c% u8 l6 R
During the interviews for a program targeting 18-30 year olds, the prime minister admitted he sometimes has to "wing it" when making public appearances and that he yearns to go out for a drink without being recognised.
/ t- v( N8 a$ n6 R* E
' g6 o4 \. J7 a1 {However, the most dramatic revelation was his reply to Sarpong's question whether he still sends his wife flowers, prompting his interviewer to shriek in disbelief.
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"I've never sent her flowers. If I sent her flowers, she would get worried," Blair said. " o. O9 m5 p8 q! z
9 N" L1 E& p- [6 b8 {% U7 p6 b, ~. z
But he added: "I am romantic. There are other ways of being romantic."
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) T" \5 P( x0 {: }! b2 DBlair needed a few moments to recall which posters he had on his bedroom wall as a youngster, then revealed: "I'll tell you... actually, when I was younger, I loved Grace Kelly." # Z1 S  d1 }% I2 \1 M

4 u2 K4 O7 l2 c$ Z) B, g4 k' G, qBorn in 1929, Kelly starred in films like 'Dial M For Murder', 'Rear Window' and 'High Society' in the mid-1950s, but quit acting to marry Prince Rainier of Monaco in 1956, when Blair was just two years old.
3 J5 B. x+ l$ N/ b' [' P. Y0 C' X
Blair admitted he initially found it "odd" to be prime minister and to be rushed in motorcades from appointment to appointment, and worried that his lifestyle left him "a bit isolated" from ordinary people. 2 e" X+ b) k0 R

2 G3 X$ V3 O: j( @. n1 [& V2 oHe admitted that he was constantly on the phone between public appearances, and rarely had time to prepare for his next event, telling Sarpong: "I wing it all the time."
! T6 R' l6 Q( N" x. @; I6 N6 q% c8 W0 u) c+ p! c: E/ t/ y5 T
And he revealed he has to check himself before he replies to hostile questions from the public. "The worst thing is when someone is giving you a real earful and you think 'I'm going to say something I will regret'," he said. 5 J) W( o' g  c" g% d5 o# `

9 \$ r4 c! o0 GAsked what he would do if he could be invisible for a day, Blair yearned for a more ordinary life, saying he would "just walk down the street and go to the pub... just be absolutely normal".

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:21 | 显示全部楼层


英国首相布莱尔在一个电视节目上承认,他从来没有给妻子切丽送过花,还爆料说自己年轻时的“梦中情人”是好莱坞美女格蕾丝·凯莉。 </p>% z( {* E" ^9 f. _
  英国第四频道节目主持人琼·萨普昂在节目中对布莱尔提出了一些通常很少在政治类电视节目上听到的“另类问题”,布莱尔也自曝了很多个人隐私。上个月,布莱尔准许琼·萨普昂跟随他两天进行采访。 - K$ D8 {4 L( r2 l  R
: K, @9 T+ n4 S- Z$ ]' M; a/ N
  在一个面向18到30岁人群的访谈节目中,首相布莱尔承认有时他在公众面前露面时不得不做一些“即兴发挥”,其实他渴望在没有人认出他的情况下出去喝一杯。 7 e+ }- F% N- u8 M" Y) ~( j/ G) z
: m( X4 \1 S6 f2 L( F5 }
  I+ E( ^. m# C1 [. P% D
1 ~$ w0 ^1 x/ ?5 C$ A  布莱尔说:“我从来没有给她送过什么花。如果我送花给她,她可能会担心(出了什么问题)。”
/ M4 G4 I$ d9 d8 e- G1 c
/ L- W1 T- k. z/ H5 T; e  但他补充说:“我是一个浪漫的人。其实浪漫还可以用很多别的方式来表达。”
% M: |. X9 W: K4 X% d3 _1 l# X7 c. z. S" \& x- h7 C; \  i0 f
& q" j) K8 }# O8 c: X. R
5 _- k6 s3 Y# ~* B( J1 \2 Z  凯莉生于1929年,50年代中期时曾主演过《电话情杀案》、《后窗》和《上流社会》等影片,但她1956年嫁给了摩纳哥王子雷尼尔,从此淡出影坛。当时布莱尔只有两岁大。 % r3 Y! K+ \+ ~

" z$ p% {3 l6 B5 ^7 O3 q  布莱尔承认,他当选英国首相的时候,发现一切都变得很“奇异”,他忙碌地在车队护送下从一场约会赶赴下一场约会。他曾担心这样的生活方式会使他远离普通大众。
2 {% l6 s# B1 M+ m# w
$ T3 w- v5 [* |! Q6 [0 f( ~  他承认,在公共场合露面的间隙他总是不停在打电话,几乎没有时间来准备他的下一步活动,他告诉萨普昂:“我每时每刻都在做即兴表演。” 0 {) k8 A5 R( ?( u" c
  ?  L% P6 R- ]5 g( E7 U6 C
  他还透露,在回答公众提出的有敌意的问题之前,他必须好好检查自己(要说的话)。他说:“最糟糕的就是有人非常严厉地斥责你或向你抱怨时,你觉得‘我可能会说出一些让自己后悔的话’。” . l  R* b$ B3 b2 B( D, |, z

% v  T0 x4 X; U& }  l& I+ k6 g" V  当被问到如果能够“遁形”一天的话他会做什么时,布莱尔渴望过一种更加正常的生活。他说他愿意“在街道上散散步,去酒馆转转……就是过一种完全正常的生活而已。”
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