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[笔译中级] 英语中级翻译练习社会篇(附答案)六

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Why is it that when you go on holiday some members of your family always seem to get bitten more than others? Researchers supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) think they may have found the answer and their work could lead to new types of insect repellent.$ m( i* `* |8 J! L/ n7 s: W
Why is it that when you go on holiday some members of your family always seem to get bitten more than others?Researchers supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) think they may have found the answer and their work could lead to new types of insect repellent.
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: `  i/ M7 L+ gJames Logan, a research student at the BBSRC-sponsored institute Rothamsted Research in Hertfordshire, has found that some people give off "masking" odours that prevent mosquitoes from finding them. His research builds on earlier studies on cattle at Rothamsted Research, led by Professor John Pickett, which showed that the number of flies on a herd depended on certain cows being present. The scientists found these key unattractive individuals gave out different chemical signals from the other cows. When these individuals were moved to another field the number of flies afflicting the herd increased. . G# N% P, c2 G

8 {5 U& ^+ R: G, y8 |James, working in collaboration with Professor Jenny Mordue at the University of Aberdeen, tested the behavioural reaction of yellow fever mosquitoes to the odour of the volunteers. James said: "The mosquitoes were placed into a y-shaped tube and given the choice of moving upwind down either branch. The air flowing down one branch was laced with odour from the volunteer's hands."
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6 N  H) B, Y. B7 [Their results suggest that differential attractiveness is due to compounds in unattractive individuals that switch off attraction either by acting as repellents or by masking the attractant components of human odour. This theory differs from that of other research groups who have suggested that unattractive individuals lack the attractive components. The researchers are now testing these theories further using foil sleeping bags to collect whole body odours from volunteers.
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Professor Julia Goodfellow, BBSRC Chief Executive, said, "There are clear benefits from this research. Discovering what makes a person more attractive to mosquitoes presents scientists with the opportunity to develop safe, naturally occurring insect repellent which could be far more effective than conventional products because it relates to the way mosquitoes select their hosts." James said, "By identifying these key components and understanding how they work we could be closer to new methods of protection from these biting pests that cause losses in livestock and irritation and illness in humans."

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:21 | 显示全部楼层


和别人相比,夏日的夜晚你是不是更容易受到蚊子的侵扰?或许你还不明白自己受蚊子“青睐”原因吧,现在科学家就要向你揭开这个谜底了。</p>和别人相比,夏日的夜晚你是不是更容易受到蚊子的侵扰?或许你还不明白自己受蚊子“青睐”原因吧,现在科学家就要向你揭开这个谜底了…… ' k1 a( N9 L' I5 [
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  据美国“每日科学”网站1月27日报道,詹姆士·洛根是BBSRC赞助的英国洛桑研究所的一名研究生,他发现,有些人能够散发出一种“掩盖性”气味,从而有效阻止蚊子叮咬。 ( w+ o0 V% f6 g
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$ \1 E" N7 l1 K  Q# S0 S  洛根和英国阿伯丁大学的詹妮·默尔杜教授通力协作,对志愿者发出的气味和蚊子对气味的反应进行了研究。研究过程中,这些蚊子被放置在一个Y型管内,它们可以逆着风向下移动至Y型管的任何一个分支,而其中一个分支的空气中会掺有志愿者手臂上散发出的气味。 & `5 l4 |8 I& j

  _2 c! D- @- s4 f  研究结果显示,志愿者对蚊子引诱程度的差别取决于一些不吸引人的个体所散发出来的某种混合物成分。这种特殊的混合物可以通过“扮演”驱虫剂的角色或是“掩盖”人体气味中的能引诱蚊子的成分,从而“切断”人们对蚊虫的吸引。目前,科学家们正在对这一结论进行更深入地研究。他们使用金属薄片制成的睡袋来收集志愿者全身发出的气味,然后再以此来进行试验。 , `6 ?+ ]. r; O0 t6 ~# R) E
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