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[笔译中级] 莎士比亚十四行诗网友原创翻译(4)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ⅩⅥ   But wherefore do not you a mightier way , j' n5 y& [/ }) H6 f/ Q- o
  Make war upon this bloody tyrant, Time? : W& |# i3 q) b- F
  And fortify yourself in your decay 2 `! d; A" R. B
  With means more blessèd than my barren rhyme?
- W$ I6 c2 z; Y6 K1 Q/ P0 s  Now stand you on the top of happy hours, ! t: R, u# U* O8 j" N2 \
  And many maiden gardens, yet unset, 4 @; F% R- x" Z- ^
  With virtuous wish would bear your living flowers,
! M3 f; A# v/ c' R  Much liker than your painted counterfeit: ( i+ M' H5 f3 _% h& Q* u4 i& `. M, D
  So should the lines of life that life repair & I: w9 k2 a* p9 L" ?" o% P5 X
  Which this time's pencil or my pupil pen, - J) q" h/ {5 ?  C  V' |
  Neither in inward worth nor outward fair
' C% `% m6 T1 }% `# l: i; }: X' a  Can make you live yourself in eyes of men. 8 O9 k- O! `3 ?3 p* ]/ H
    To give away yourself keeps yourself still,
5 P5 E6 o+ P( `6 H  And you must live drawn by your own sweet skill. 5 y/ n, J$ p# k: O' Z( W
  "Sonnet #16" was originally published in Shake-speares Sonnets: Never before Imprinted (1609). 4 m9 g, i) u+ S8 @
! z8 J! V9 Q  B, k( v  不用利器抵衰朽,反借不育之诗行。  f( T- a, o& n2 f
, l. y) K( B; \& [0 I% Q; {$ w, y  切盼群英色绚烂,比画更肖汝面庞。. o7 b1 `( K; l. b9 x8 N2 {# K
$ {( R! w  Z( F. Z  不能使汝人前现,外在内在美昭彰。9 O: K6 p. B( r8 p
5 A! Y9 B; `/ r& [% u* w* P/ i  ⅩⅤⅡ
% C4 T+ S' t3 K. m  T. P' G  Who will believe my verse in time to come ; I5 @4 `0 @3 p. R) V, ]5 X% b8 z
  If it were filled with your most high deserts? 3 l: x  y* c  Q+ ]  e; T2 X& F. R
  Though yet, heaven knows, it is but as a tomb : r3 s, W7 V4 R' g0 i6 X1 q* N
  Which hides your life and shows not half your parts. & C8 N' W& r" M( ^; W
  If I could write the beauty of your eyes
' M0 N  ~- U1 D0 E  And in fresh numbers number all your graces,
' M0 h; |8 Y0 f2 a  The age to come would say, 'This poet lies-- 1 P+ ]5 Z# z5 J4 p1 w7 z
  Such heavenly touches ne'er touched earthly faces.' . b  B1 R. @3 x3 ~
  So should my papers, yellowed with their age,
* `# A9 R2 E/ }8 _! z" A2 _  X, m  Be scorned, like old men of less truth than tongue,
  `: t# `3 v7 }/ K7 P& t  And your true rights be termed a poet's rage
# D& m( n8 J3 u8 R( ^  And stretchèd metre of an antique song. 3 @/ Z' j" g: `* o& o% ~
  But were some child of yours alive that time, , R* V+ j' B8 B- ]
  You should live twice--in it and in my rhyme. + ]# d* t5 x& N6 I& r% N
  "Sonnet #17" was originally published in Shake-speares Sonnets: Never before Imprinted (1609).
1 d7 S* A! k  H' H0 L1 C, a  将来谁信吾诗行,汝之美德世无双?/ y# E; B/ p, b) t- }/ C7 U/ y3 C
% D3 r. Y' [6 D& V) S  若能描摹目流盼,千娇百媚诗断肠。2 ]0 q$ J$ a, p, V% m7 T
( q/ k; _6 _# y. E, T  岁月如烟卷熏黄,为人藐视如夕阳。
3 {- {, B, e  Y  m7 p  真容诬作骚客狂,古歌虚饰复夸张。$ J/ [5 i9 }( A  f' o

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:21 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  ⅩⅤⅢ
0 S7 B  J  d& W7 e; _$ A  Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? ; U. k2 D1 ^; x1 ~: U- B
  Thou art more lovely and more temperate:3 s$ p0 a% w+ v: n# T' E& G; Y( `# |2 j
  Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, # h! \) Y& r6 h5 m/ L& \
  And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
' @& Z0 q; \7 j4 z" T5 t! b  Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,. d/ g( W4 q/ Q
  And often is his gold complexion dimmed:
/ H6 x# t+ d4 i  A. U# ], G# F, v  And every fair from fair sometime declines, : |( p$ ]& C- U$ s
  By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed;( D) W/ b, f( K" L9 Y
  But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
3 y% p0 S0 F& ?5 D  Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
! ~4 @% U1 y4 R# ^0 U  |3 _  ^  ~5 R3 Q( S  Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade, ) m1 @: D2 s6 P  F- S/ {! w, I
  When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st;6 D* b2 N. U6 B# E$ s
  So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, & S% T  d; b1 y
  So long lives this, and this gives life to thee., Q6 M% N' j" W, i( s
  "Sonnet #18" was originally published in Shake-speares Sonnets: Never before Imprinted (1609).
4 I8 F6 b/ `5 q  x  如何将汝拟夏天?汝更温婉亦堪怜。
: r0 ]- ^% F* [" a- `* `: d0 d  狂风摧残五月蕊,盛夏匆匆一瞬间。
. k! F7 Y1 D/ h  苍天明眸时酷烈,云遮雾罩金玉颜。
: A0 O7 h6 J  H3 m( A  芳艳终究要凋谢,毁于无常或机缘。
( y; P1 u8 v+ ], B$ @$ `  汝之仲夏不零落,秀雅风姿舞翩翩。3 p2 O" q" o- \
  死神云汝泊其影,汝于诗里与时迁。( z5 i, d# M7 p  ]: s( N8 \: ^
+ b5 t0 p- t. v9 t6 m, c& @" g  ⅩⅨ
9 z4 d) f& t4 f0 @1 K) g1 ]) W0 b  Devouring time, blunt thou the lion's paws, 0 j) a1 X; S7 Y/ p5 w
  And make the earth devour her own sweet brood; 8 v( @! U1 P9 x* }
  Pluck the keen teeth from the fierce tiger's jaws,
" J$ `, j* a8 N/ E2 P0 E) Z  And burn the long-lived phoenix in her blood.% ?2 {: }3 F! N' o2 J7 S! }0 D
  Make glad and sorry seasons as they fleet'st, 0 F) z  x1 i8 Q( ^. a. |* k
  And do whate'er thou wilt, swift-footed time,
" H2 }, B8 f+ S+ j! }+ n  To the wide world and all her fading sweets, % C& @) E3 O9 u" L2 M6 `6 f. F
  But I forbid thee one most heinous crime: 0 p4 g. n6 I- W  b; `: L5 q
  O, carve not with thy hours my love's fair brow,
8 p9 ]7 e7 G8 W  Nor draw no lines there with thine antique pen; ' J4 I+ U3 n# x' F2 r- Q: g
  Him in thy course untainted do allow ' R0 Z: y4 c- ~5 ^1 p
  For beauty's pattern to succeeding men. / M, \) I5 @" r. ~" Z. S8 E
    Yet do thy worst, old Time: despite thy wrong, ' E4 j7 k3 D* Y8 n6 ?" h9 \$ K
    My love shall in my verse ever live young. * E! ~( N" j; G% l: g1 r
  "Sonnet #19" was originally published in Shake-speares Sonnets: Never before Imprinted (1609). $ ?4 Q; \' F# g
  饕餮时光磨钝爪,大地慈母幼婴消。$ P' j0 \3 I* Y( V; F) \- w9 q: Q& u( N" h
, X0 ]0 v( R* l. `  v% T  飞逝过处节哭笑,逝者如斯水滔滔。
) ~! U2 i5 w* N# M* k8 v4 A/ S  大千世界芳菲尽,弥天大罪不容饶。
. b3 m5 D  K8 E# [8 [  休将美人蛾眉刻,休将笔墨胡乱描。
# \' e  F& ^% Y1 _$ v, Q3 S" Y9 r  且容流光依旧貌,美丽楷模后人瞧。; o, e( I5 U9 ^5 l5 o! h
  猖狂淫威老时光,爱于诗卷永不凋。1 [8 ^6 J% I- p9 N  C9 f- {2 c
  ⅩⅩ. ^! B, h( L: @+ ]8 R/ M8 u7 {& f, J
  A woman's face, with nature's own hand painted
; H) N! Z2 Y- z  x  Hast thou, the master-mistress of my passion;
8 }2 |5 ~4 r# G  A woman's gentle heart, but not acquainted
: R4 \# P3 Y: W3 O* J. U# g; m3 z  With shifting change, as is false women's fashion;
3 H0 ~3 o4 `& E; c  An eye more bright than theirs, less false in rolling,
) \0 z6 J! N6 X! \  Q2 |3 T  Gilding the object whereupon it gazeth;
4 s3 G( K4 g% l  A man in hue all hues in his controlling,
9 _% N: W! ?& H- N  Which steals men's eyes and women's souls amazeth.
% H: I6 L: F" t& r7 N  And for a woman wert thou first created, + n. x, ?3 f6 E9 f) l% V
  Till nature as she wrought thee fell a-doting, " ^5 B9 E, W& ?! @9 D  }- _8 `
  And by addition me of thee defeated
1 b5 i1 l# ]* m& x( j  By adding one thing to my purpose nothing. - g0 q$ C2 l4 c& W5 L
  But since she pricked thee out for women's pleasure,   t6 `* z1 H4 [" I& w. @& n; }
  Mine be thy love, and thy love's use their treasure.   a' B* H; V- H: g- W
  "Sonnet #20" was originally published in Shake-speares Sonnets: Never before Imprinted (1609).
! B. H2 {  N& s  o7 z' D$ r3 ?  造化绘出女面庞,挚爱情妇兼情郎。
7 }; w. [/ A. G( v0 s# s4 G  有颗美人柔婉心,但无娼妓假心肠。
( m+ t+ ~! Y/ |3 c# `  眼睛明媚不造作,美目流盼镀金黄。- K. h' f: h) n
  风流倜傥绝世美,雄兔眼迷雌心降。2 L" H. X7 T0 @$ {6 q$ X  k& r0 v. B
/ X% ^3 a  l$ b  N$ w" v3 j/ ^  池草生根因迷梦,海棠带恨为无香。
( J: r6 m4 \. B5 u  美女幸得由造化,吮吸玉液和琼浆。
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