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[笔译中级] 莎士比亚十四行诗网友原创翻译(5)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ⅩⅩⅠ   So is it not with me as with that Muse
" l) m0 A* v- ?$ ?$ w: k  Stirred by a painted beauty to his verse, % x4 N  p2 R  V5 |' v2 D- P& m2 r
  Who heaven itself for ornament doth use
; G$ p2 y3 h- F8 Q  And every fair with his fair doth rehearse;
5 t4 \/ J# U& P) h; H  Making a couplement of proud compare
* ~& j0 ]) b. Z  With sun and moon, with earth and sea's rich gems, 9 Q! a9 q* R; X. e8 `6 }9 }
  With April's first-born flowers, and all things rare . M$ z& q0 j) Y- c! D
  That heaven's airs in this huge rondure hems. * l/ `8 Z/ L2 P4 [2 w( c; f
  O let me, true in love, but truly write,
3 x& I! i& N2 o! ]* D/ ?  And then believe me, my love is as fair 8 P! \/ C* T. {( O  V, u, o
  As any mother's child, though not so bright
- L% {8 Z# m. F0 f: F  As those gold candles fixed in heaven's air:
) g; B2 a7 o. c+ a5 J, \4 J2 {    Let them say more that like of hearsay well;
6 y0 g% Z. i; H. N% j    I will not praise that purpose not to sell.
9 b, [) U, ?. H* {$ ^& v. R  "Sonnet #21" was originally published in Shake-speares Sonnets: Never before Imprinted (1609).
& C$ e4 |$ @) u) w4 O  吾无诗神九回肠,涂脂抹粉成诗章。
5 M# [; m4 j# z7 c( O5 x- b  苍穹亦为妆饰品,群美陪衬美貌郎。1 B. g+ S; f" S$ h2 j
% F1 S8 H$ y. h# f4 |3 r; T  奇珍异物四月花,环挂长空宇浩茫。& K& Q7 O$ N. }3 ^
- i9 G: h: h+ O9 e) ]  媲美任何赤子样,不争宝烛与金釭。6 k! O' P( \. J& v  s( Y
. [$ p# Z+ ]* A) p* c2 e- n  ⅩⅩⅡ
% a/ {, o2 V$ w# z' Q! O1 b+ t  My glass shall not persuade me I am old
1 x" M" t- ^7 J& f. c& @7 _/ p$ \: X  So long as youth and thou are of one date;
0 V! t' z) ^  x1 u' b  But when in thee time's furrows I behold,
6 U! k1 r$ j: f  Then look I death my days should expiate.
9 H5 Q9 c$ p( R: w  For all that beauty that doth cover thee ) x, E3 |5 t% b6 |3 i: T" P
  Is but the seemly raiment of my heart,
+ j/ h7 F1 K- q, B+ h# [# c  Which in thy breast doth live, as thine in me:
8 r: ^. J9 W1 l+ v: o" _" I  How can I then be elder than thou art?
3 M/ K4 V* o0 A: j# s  O therefore, love, be of thyself so wary
1 R* B  J2 {8 m/ i6 a8 f: x9 o  As I, not for myself, but for thee will, 3 |+ a6 W) K  ^
  Bearing thy heart, which I will keep so chary ( k3 Z- D6 `% J& c, i5 K9 V
  As tender nurse her babe from faring ill. 0 ]0 {% b5 \8 j, i
    Presume not on thy heart when mine is slain; ( d3 C- n5 W( H  r! v5 J
    Thou gav'st me thine not to give back again. 4 g% l1 s- D/ {. P# x
  "Sonnet #22" was originally published in Shake-speares Sonnets: Never before Imprinted (1609). 3 g4 R9 k$ f; B/ r5 T. z
4 X' E; P7 a/ U9 c+ y  目睹粉面刻皱纹,死期不觉黯然消。
  o, E) i  P9 {( c  皆为吾心真写照,通身锦绣与琼瑶。
8 n( X" p8 e, ^  卿我红心胸中烧。怎露未老先衰兆?
$ }  T( J. A5 \! z+ r6 P  似吾为汝宜珍重,珍重身体顺时调。
# F- L1 Z2 b4 A$ s/ v' w( J  怀抱汝心慎万分,如母护婴防病苗。5 u: q) {/ f- j4 ]7 l* c
: h2 Q' u4 v+ Z! E. M8 z  ⅩⅩⅢ& v' A0 w9 ~( w" F" o( C# O
  As an unperfect actor on the stage, 6 M$ X# ^' Y7 Y
  Who with his fear is put besides his part, 4 \( H& s- @4 V1 ~
  Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage,
' X& [- D9 l" k  Whose strength's abundance weakens his own heart;
3 i8 F: }# N2 R  v  So I, for fear of trust, forget to say
+ ~2 P- h" `* u4 I) M  The perfect ceremony of love's rite,   q8 x( l/ h* p7 f" ]: P5 E4 g
  And in mine own love's strength seem to decay,
' O( }3 c! N+ s  O'er-charged with burden of mine own love's might. ) _3 T9 X9 l7 H3 m9 r
  O, let my books be then the eloquence
2 e1 B* E, K2 ]2 b* r: l" Q  And dump presagers of my speaking breast,
* [  a$ x0 N; P4 d# z! S) L  Who plead for love, and look for recompense, " E) B1 D' B& N$ C9 N
  More than that tongue that more hath more expressed. - A/ [* X6 {6 E3 X) E  E8 C
    O, learn to read what silent love hath writ: / Q* k. k! @& J
    To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit.
: Z  {/ ]. N2 {  "Sonnet #23" was originally published in Shake-speares Sonnets: Never before Imprinted (1609).

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:21 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  仿佛新手初登场,风吹叶飞空空廊。! ^4 H& D/ n/ M1 T7 G9 A9 f
- l( j0 H) y" ^8 s0 H% S- u  缺乏自信竟遗忘,爱情仪节美辞章。9 n/ z1 K6 p! Z! }9 h! L
  爱力似乎变枯弱,情爱过重弯脊梁。6 L5 A3 X/ U/ `  g3 P
+ E4 C( R6 F: N1 _2 r0 t0 a  为爱申诉求赏赐,远胜喋喋耍花腔。
7 ]& i+ a1 R" u8 D  c  学会默读情诗草,用眼聆听心曲响。- g( J" ^, G- H9 o: e5 z, |  {
, |* M' N0 c. X+ P5 p1 t9 H0 f  Mine eye hath played the painter and hath steeled * s, v3 G0 Z+ U' n" X
  Thy beauty's form in table of my heart; 7
! @! n0 Y0 u$ O1 Z; K3 b  My body is the frame wherein 'tis held, ! U  j0 K1 C/ ]% B- }
  And perspective it is best painter's art. ) O% H& e5 ]( N! d3 |8 W3 T* w
  For through the painter must you see his skill . G% @; `. j) F3 e
  To find where your true image pictured lies,
" `/ A5 F+ m: R8 M% A$ q  Which in my bosom's shop is hanging still,
0 Y6 G4 D& Z" T+ Q2 _5 b# U  That hath his windows glazèd with thine eyes.
- o/ G1 `( s) Q5 ]+ K  Now see what good turns eyes for eyes have done:
6 G- A( g/ E" o3 K4 c$ B' x  Mine eyes have drawn thy shape, and thine for me
. [: P7 A6 A& w5 m; \6 }  Are windows to my breast, wherethrough the sun
4 e1 g" Q) S; w, V# L2 Y; R  Delights to peep, to gaze therein on thee.
* _- B) H7 b2 g9 q  |    Yet eyes this cunning want to grace their art; 3 }2 t* i5 ?* b
    They draw but what they see, know not the heart.
1 ~3 F& K" w3 D* e* l    - j+ b8 \* e, H2 k
  "Sonnet #24" was originally published in Shake-speares Sonnets: Never before Imprinted (1609). + B6 }7 f; k7 O- _( U7 w
  吾之明眸为画匠,心写佳丽像与庞。$ |7 ]  \5 s* ?& d
  吾之躯体为画框,鬼斧神工水墨香。- X1 n  P5 _& r$ H1 f
  透过画家神妙手,寻找真容隐何方。  x3 z  k9 i9 z" Z+ M7 [1 k1 n
: K4 O. v2 L0 K- v+ U* g! H3 N1 J  明眸亮睛互帮忙,吾之眼睛画凤凰。+ v$ h3 D% d* B5 c2 K+ n) t8 p$ ?
5 b1 \* k' U  X: ?* Q- B  画人画面难画心,眼睛艺术有短长。  q- G+ ?$ x* O
  (2010-12-15): a6 I+ _# [3 H
  ⅩⅩⅤ6 N. n- t% w6 o/ j1 R
  Let those who are in favor with their stars
+ X% C3 W; Y  V& d( O3 D( X  Of public honor and proud titles boast, % m: x# `- i) K% g
  Whilst I, whom fortune of such triumph bars,
0 f" |0 ]. o$ @  Unlook'd for joy in that I honor most. ; J; A- C6 U* s" u- d% O1 u$ C; ~
  Great princes' favorites their fair leaves spread ' [) i4 Y. A( T4 s" O* n
  But as the marigold at the sun's eye;
5 S8 ]$ i, w& T9 q9 B* C$ S  And in themselves their pride lies burièd,
+ K# \8 a, c6 ?  For at a frown they in their glory die. 1 Y" ]% Q6 L4 @% v% l! F0 T
  The painful warrior famoused for fight,
: z$ \  J2 L1 V. I8 y9 ^7 u2 h  After a thousand victories once foiled,
. s" p& y8 I: |& ^- Y* F  Is from the book of honor razed quite, 9 e5 z) l. ?1 y, y
  And all the rest forgot for which he toiled.
3 m! i, g/ `8 o( d! c: z, Q    Then happy I, that love and am beloved % k* y/ f$ s# d( l. I: n
    Where I may not remove nor be removed.
9 r4 z2 X- e& @0 w  "Sonnet #25" was originally published in Shake-speares Sonnets: Never before Imprinted (1609).
. n8 n. K2 ^$ @; W  且让吉星高照人,夸耀高官与位尊。9 t! r: i. R" M. ^, K% [
  命运拒吾此荣耀,意外如愿心所寻。3 ?0 ~1 g0 }  X+ J, _
: y* ]% x1 D; |; R1 d! |2 V+ e3 B  香消玉殒龙颜怒,荣华富贵化烟尘。+ w$ P( n8 d- Y8 D* \1 D
  战士沙场征战苦,百战百胜失手君。" b- a: t$ a+ t% _1 c$ Z
$ h4 h' r; D4 a. l, w  吾爱爱吾幸而福,咬定青山松生根
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