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[笔译中级] 莎士比亚十四行诗网友原创翻译(3)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Ⅺ   As fast as thou shalt wane, so fast thou grow'st % S( Z! j- q( ~. Q
  In one of thine, from that which thou departest; 5 A6 f4 U4 ^8 z9 {8 B
  And that fresh blood which youngly thou bestow'st ; @5 K0 C4 [7 `, A% B
  Thou mayst call thine when thou from youth convertest.
. e2 v5 k# R: D) ?. Y$ D  Herein lives wisdom, beauty, and increase; 3 t) c: {  C8 |, L) g; W
  Without this, folly, age, and cold decay. * m0 `6 S( U6 }2 e; r' Y
  If all were minded so, the times should cease, , L4 @1 ~. H7 x# R/ j; `
  And threescore year would make the world away. ' _3 R. d( w( }3 n9 O" `3 e% j
  Let those whom nature hath not made for store, : I0 S' q6 }6 k0 F, z
  Harsh, featureless, and rude, barrenly perish: 8 n3 e4 `* ?2 c# W/ B; n9 T
  Look whom she best endowed she gave the more,
" J. S- i+ ^$ [& o4 s4 d  Which bounteous gift thou shouldst in bounty cherish.
: G; A& N* ?2 L) ?" m& V  She carved thee for her seal, and meant thereby ) O" p+ T7 D5 T% v2 b) z4 U$ l3 R
  Thou shouldst print more, not let that copy die.
& i1 H/ J6 Y2 Y6 d: U  萎缩迅速如成长,于彼两由之地方。2 i& g# y2 u; J$ Y" b4 o7 P
  年轻已逝汝依旧,永葆青春血一腔。+ u) R+ B) T1 r) t* c, [
  智慧美丽与昌盛,不是愚老和冰凉。% @2 `6 T3 q5 U
* J5 X7 n2 c0 g( E  无心传宗接代者,粗陋笨拙无后喪。
4 t+ k1 g& Q" Q0 ~# `  造化至宠多恩赐,爱惜馈赠理应当。
% k7 S3 V7 q" D4 d/ J! S$ \2 }: j4 r6 U  多多益善防毁掉,精雕细刻做印章。
2 t) ?; Y& S7 y! c8 i# j  i- O  Ⅻ6 W1 U8 J' j$ y5 R9 o% i
  When I do count the clock that tells the time 8 }+ ?* T# ~2 T+ m3 o3 O& z
  And see the brave day sunk in hideous night,
' K) K* E( V3 y. m; X, e. s2 i# h" n  When I behold the violet past prime
; |6 o4 `6 F: d9 d) B  And sable curls all silvered o'er with white, 1 I% b5 h# ]7 Z) _8 h0 g
  When lofty trees I see barren of leaves, . z& M5 w7 m) p8 @6 t" B
  Which erst from heat did canopy the herd, , O+ m, o  R; F) P+ B
  And summer's green all girded up in sheaves
( T3 r" I( f6 X+ G5 ?2 D# X  Borne on the bier with white and bristly beard;
3 i: y" w4 Y; C$ x/ o0 d  Then of thy beauty do I question make 6 [7 L) o3 d- O& }1 i; P
  That thou among the wastes of time must go,
6 F4 _: k% e/ \5 |4 a  Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake 2 M4 N: z; Y( j) L! L7 H8 [
  And die as fast as they see others grow; ' I% D% h" z2 V. U" m  z2 r" M
  And nothing 'gainst time's scythe can make defense 8 T  X; `. A& h: N
  Save breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence.
0 k' a2 b1 `  p- F  日晷无声滴漏响,狰狞黑色噬白光。
: Y2 T  F( P( t/ {, k) N" ^  香消玉殒紫罗兰,青丝卷发着银霜。
4 s; Y9 k8 ~) s- x2 O4 a2 J  参天大树落叶尽,曾撑荫凉为牛羊。
' l% w& K1 |5 i" [& w! h$ _$ [  夏日青翠束束捆,坚挺白须舁殓床。
+ Q  s" x' d6 J4 S2 ^5 C$ \  不禁忧虑为红颜,迟早就会变荒凉。) r. m( k! R; \: k  e$ x
  美丽芳菲自抛弃,他生我无返魂香。9 T! @$ |) \  r6 v* c
  时间镰刀无人挡,除非谢世留儿郎。! \& ~8 @0 z5 K7 X
  ⅩⅢ5 ^! l- ]2 e  H, w
  : a) c  [. M6 j
  O , That you were yourself, but, love, you are
4 Y8 M' z7 X/ g; V$ `3 s% n3 c  No longer yours than you yourself here live: : C& v+ M8 B+ A' o# v+ r
  Against this coming end you should prepare,
" T8 ^4 u" u. M( M* e7 @! X. e  And your sweet semblance to some other give.   I6 c. J! z4 O) @
  So should that beauty which you hold in lease
+ _4 K' B! }& _) g  G5 b/ @& T  Find no determination; then you were
5 Z! d. B7 O, L3 w  Yourself again after yourself's decease & S* h3 b1 I7 D. y* Y6 Y5 a
  When your sweet issue your sweet form should bear.
7 O7 l, z2 i( D  Who lets so fair a house fall to decay,
; B/ s. s. f$ C( e1 \' t  Which husbandry in honor might uphold . O; }6 i& c/ ]' l! d6 M5 Q
  Against the stormy gusts of winter's day / G) M) S0 y* S' n9 U
  And barren rage of death's eternal cold? ( W& _3 ^% R% d! G2 _
  O, none but unthrifts! Dear my love, you know 7 [; V# G% O$ i5 P
  You had a father -- let your son say so.
/ Q" m0 O9 m% y. w  愿汝即为汝自身,爱之时日难比拼。# ]$ s) F' a3 _6 f
  g  H. M7 k5 ~/ k# g! l8 Z0 D  如此租赁粉黛色,冰雪消融无边春。
0 f7 ]/ Q, U0 p6 ~5 N: u  人已去矣又复生,汝之倩影子嗣存。
7 d3 r/ h2 J6 m& ^  谁使华厦倾而颓?呵护无损须悉心。; c: [* Q* g9 t5 G  y
- Y4 ^3 g* a( r8 O  除非浪子会如此,汝有令尊子有亲。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:21 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  ⅩⅣ# `( O$ Z: Y2 R
  Not from the stars do I my judgment pluck, ! B" @9 s" G& q( d3 z
  And yet methinks I have astronomy; 8 h' w  K# w# ?: M* S6 e
  But not to tell of good or evil luck, 2 Q( X4 V/ D6 A
  Of plagues, of dearths, or season's quality;
% G. L5 ?2 B+ D. l2 O$ q9 H+ ?  Nor can I fortune to brief minutes tell,
7 z( y- [9 K) d. _  'Pointing to each his thunder, rain, and wind, ( [7 M: j; x/ _8 B+ ?( b; G$ y  u* K
  Or say with princes if it shall go well ( a+ Z1 J. G& H
  By oft predict that I in heaven find; ; N- \0 L% s  o, q% w0 \( d  H
  But from thine eyes my knowledge I derive,
, k. Z1 G& Q, Q9 `, L0 \/ i  And, constant stars, in them I read such art   l  u% z9 l, V) h. v" b: Q( C
  As truth and beauty shall together thrive
$ e/ T6 W; S3 @; G  If from thyself to store thou wouldst convert:   O8 K" ?  @3 @* o( [3 N% w, B
    Or else of thee this I prognosticate,
! e; b5 P+ E  q0 d    Thy end is truth's and beauty's doom and date.
+ z- A2 P+ G6 F% W+ y( u5 ?- N  推断由人非星辰,星象之学亦精深。
* A/ h3 O4 m* r* j; M- [* E  吉凶祸福非我测,年成饥馑与瘟神。
, o0 j1 A  A7 z" ?; R  不能算出分与秒,每刻雷雨和风云。
% p* s9 g$ s- O  王侯将相亨顺否,上苍天机无处寻。
# o) s, X6 f" {9 A7 p0 H  ~: m3 N  术数得自汝明眸,恒定双星说乾坤。
  \$ ^7 R* w6 C9 g* r* {  回心转意育子孙,真美繁荣共长存。
2 p& ^/ Y, j' I  否则如此作昭示,真美末日汝墓门。$ i- f3 K7 A+ h3 b, Z5 _5 ?
  ⅩⅤ6 f( E( ?0 J# x( ~
  When I consider everything that grows   @# B6 X& N3 K5 @8 y7 B. i! {
  Holds in perfection but a little moment,
) T, D. `- \( {+ q8 R  That this huge stage presenteth nought but shows
+ E: N- i8 B4 j/ z: N" s6 ~* s  Whereon the stars in secret influence comment;
* M7 R/ x1 Z2 h. i7 b$ L% T5 d  When I perceive that men as plants increase, ; ]( m) u; v4 P0 ]1 t& {
  Cheerèd and checked even by the selfsame sky, * b/ }0 }& N2 t/ S& k$ O
  Vaunt in their youthful sap, at height decrease, : e# w; L- G. ]! N: Y# T
  And wear their brave state out of memory: + j3 G6 S4 {6 z: y3 y9 I0 s; [
  Then the conceit of this inconstant stay 4 l% Z) g/ ~6 R$ M. e: a
  Sets you most rich in youth before my sight, 9 Q) B' Z: a4 h. F- _
  Where wasteful time debateth with decay
( f+ [* |. B7 r8 d6 L- A& |  To change your day of youth to sullied night;
. x% G: l5 u; R! }( m0 m7 m  And, all in war with Time for love of you, / `2 M* n9 T# L
  As he takes from you, I ingraft you new. '& M2 Q* [: H  Y( c& E+ x1 I! @$ z8 J
% a8 f/ k7 y6 q: R/ A2 h7 B, z  粉墨登场大舞台,暗中受制于上苍。7 C2 x2 C  j  w3 I
  人如草木在滋长,任其苍天抑与扬。2 E- j  ~; S8 M5 B
  少小欣欣老大衰,人忘羽衣与霓裳。7 B# Z% s) C* y, p9 E, J
  目睹朝气蓬勃貌,忧思世事之无常。' `5 G9 u( V% Q, Z, V
7 {& H6 X5 ~5 B( G$ M  时不我待为爱汝,移花接木换新装。
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