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[笔译中级] 笔译中级指导:精选练笔句子四

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Everyone wants to be a master, but mastery takes practice and that just bores some folks to tears.   每个人都想成为大师,大师们都是从反复练习扎马步开始的,一些人也因为枯燥无味而泪如雨下。
0 [) {5 S# k, Q8 u+ F  Some want to write the great American novel, but won‘t take the time to craft a great sentence. Others dream of being millionaires, but would never dream of doing all the stuff that millionaires do.
( m' H" z: h3 V, {5 J# L  有些人想成为美国小说巨匠,却不肯花费时间去琢磨字句。还有些人梦想成为百万富翁,却吝啬于和百万富翁一样付出努力。
; Q3 Y- y) c  L: u+ g0 }  While everyone else has their eyes on the prize, focus your sights on the hundred and one steps it takes to win it, and master them one at a time. You’ll need to learn to draw a straight line before you can paint the Mona Lisa.
6 S( |% ?4 t1 M+ Y- I  大家都盯着奖杯的时候,你应该看到迈向成功的101个台阶,一个萝卜一个坑。在你可以画蒙娜丽沙以前,最起码你应该学会画直线吧。3 o0 A3 Z, N- b0 {( c- m  O% o+ s0 X' T
. Speak softly when everyone else is shouting. 大家吵得声嘶力竭的时候,轻声细语保持实力。7 `9 ^  u) J  L- i9 J
  When every thing‘s printed in bold red letters, a message written in small italics stands out. When everyone is clamoring for attention, you can’t help but notice the quiet and the calm.
5 d+ ]9 R9 X  k5 h+ X- j; K  在通篇红色粗宋体的印刷作品里,用小隶手写的信息最抢眼不过了。当大家吵闹喧嚷,为了引人瞩目时,你无可奈何,反而留意到安静一隅。
' b$ Y# X( a' Y  Do what it takes to build a quiet brand of confidence and people will take notice. In the midst of all that noise, some peace and sensibility is precisely what people will be looking for.
, e  `' j) i8 A; P2 A" C  自信满满而显得平静稳重,更容易引起关注。嘈杂中的平静,更让人向往。

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