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[笔译中级] 笔译中级指导:精选练笔句子一

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The world is whizzing by and your head‘s spinning.
4 }, o$ Y2 @3 d7 H% m! n  世界变化莫测,你的脑袋也得滴溜溜的转得快点。
+ d$ F9 v: e& n! k- u9 q  Change isn’t just constant. It‘s freaking relentless. The information flow’s a gusher. The order of the day? Chaos. Let‘s see. What was that plan you made to stay sane?
8 N- r% b# x  y7 k! W/ j1 y  改变不是固定的模式,这非常残忍。信息量泛滥成灾。秩序在哪里?到处是一片混乱。让我们看看,如何在这种环境下保持清醒。( @" \+ w. c- m) H, u+ D
  You could just join the nearest crowd or take your place in the longest line. After all, there’s safety and comfort in numbers.3 V( f1 X/ L- V; f9 `1 A7 f
3 c/ A+ [! h& F, W2 w  But here‘s something to consider. One cool way to cut through the madness is to forge your own trail. Cutting left when everyone’s heading right can be a great adventure. Alternative wisdom is the backbone of every great breakthrough.
# U' X2 |# G- E1 x: l* q  但是这里还要考虑的一些东西,一种打破混乱的局面,开辟自己的轨迹的最佳方法。当大家选择向右转谓之“取长”时,左进往往是通往西天取经之险径。二选一的智慧有助于让你成为每一次巨大成就的中流砥柱。2 G- z. m" {5 K8 o; m# k/ N
 Think Einstein. Think Curie. Think Picasso. Think./ Z, U" i: a, Y+ ]. w

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