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[口译中级] 口译中的特效处理(3)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:54:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) {, y# P. G; U, G2 c/ i  (short-hand phrases)的翻译
5 G: p5 o6 k* }' u  对于汉语中那些含义深刻而表达简练的特别说法,在翻译成英语时,应遵循两条基本原则:一是尽量参考英语中原有的类似的说法,二是尽量运用英语中的习惯用法。下面举一些常见的例子:
8 O  P: [& T1 y  “下海” To go into commercial business To drop out of (teaching, etc.) and venture into business To be seduced into commerce / industry 8 q; S6 N6 _+ J6 D6 }0 \+ ?
  康居工程 The Affordable Housing Program ' D7 b& c$ t0 |2 ?3 U6 ~0 f
  “货币分房” The “own-as-you-pay” housing system
3 e  T$ j% \; n- P/ a- u, ?( S  “吃饭财政” A “mouth-feeding” budget-a budget much of which is used for a burgeoning government payroll 2 D/ m" n$ e5 K0 j* y& ^+ v& J
  以外贸企业为龙头 With foreign trade companies as the locomotive / flagship 8 p* E# M0 M+ A* x/ |/ a
  “摸着石头过河” “To wade across the stream by feeling the way” ' _6 W$ s: U, k7 W% H
  文化搭台,经贸唱戏 Cultural events set the stage and trade activities play the star role.
4 f6 o& h7 {7 A0 @. w  大锅饭 The “big pot” distribution system under which everyone gets the same “portion” irrespective of his work / contribution
8 K4 N0 F- r& Z. v) e0 P% v& Z  饭后百步走,活到九十九。 An after-dinner walk a day keeps the doctor away.
) @% G4 d) B: Z9 S* `  “金梧桐”企业实 行网上招聘人才。 Companies wishing to attract talents worldwide have set up recruitment homepages on the Internet. ' n. @# Q) G& B1 y
  带职分流, 定向培训, 加强基层, 改善结构。 无情调节, 有情安排。 To stream out redundant government staff with their ranks retained; to provide tailor-made training programs geared to re-entry purposes; to move downward to join and rejuvenate grass-roots organizations and to improve the personnel composition with “fresh blood” injected. To trim out redundancies relentlessly, and to re-assign the laid-offs considerately.
8 h2 k, J  ]0 h0 M+ Y  (集邮爱好者语)方寸之间,深情无限。 On these tiny postage stamps, Philatelic friendship “franks.”
% k: x! r" U: z9 z$ H2 X* E  生意场上“一锤子买卖”的做法 The “grab-the-money-and-run” business mentality
, r; _9 T% U7 F8 W$ t. e& K' @& o1 u  堤外损失堤内补 To gain on the swings what was lost on the roundabouts 5 B; l2 C! d2 }
  把企业推向市场 To lead/guide enterprises (at their elbows) to the market To let enterprises “swim” / “immerse” in the marketplace
# X; \! Y, h! d  二.带数字的归纳语的翻译8 q9 V0 C, i8 D3 q
  这是指“三要三不要”之类的说法。翻译成英语是“three do’s and three don’t’s”。再如“三农问题”(指农业,农村,农民),我们似可把“三农”英译为rural economy, rural development and rural demography。下面再举一些例子:(参见下表)% z( g4 z; }* ?8 @
  “三包”;包修、包换、包退 We offer 3-R guarantees: guaranteed repair, replacement and refund. 2 o8 i0 g  X: M& {$ `
  “三来一补”:来料,来图,来样加工;补偿贸易 The “Three plus one” trading mix: custom manufacturing (with materials, designs or samples by the customer) and compensation trade. % s! M# n* v1 H, ~* |5 c$ C
  “三公”:公平、公正、公开 The recruitment is based on the principle of equal opportunity, fair treatment and open competition.
+ [! D  M2 k7 {9 u  “三个面向”:面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来 Out education is oriented to the modernization program, to the global perspective and to our nation’s future goals.
& I4 d4 S3 x2 q$ k" K, n* C  “四大目标”:建设大港口、扶持大工业、发展大经济、实现大繁荣 We are determined to build a port of large size, foster an industry of large scope, develop an economy of large scale and achieve prosperity of large magnitude. $ f7 t; L4 y+ P
  “四自原则”:自找伙伴,自筹资金,自主经营,自负盈亏 The “four-self” principle: self-supporting in finding partners, self-reliance in raising capital, self-decision in management, and self-responsibility for losses and gains.
+ y. B9 o7 D% J0 ?; c7 g3 V  一个确保、三个到位、五项改革 One goal to attain, three tasks to accomplish and five areas to undergo reform
: j* O( R0 u8 U& L" I  b( A4 {7 T% Y; ]  “五讲四美”:讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、讲纪律、讲道德;心灵美、语言美、行为美、环境美 Five merits to advocate and four virtues to promote: civilized behavior, common courtesy, hygienic conditions, proper discipline and public morality; loft sentiments, refined language, good manners and environmental awareness 5 [" ]& z; X* Q& u) R
  “九通一平”: 通水、通电、通热、通气、通下水、通邮、通讯、通闭路电视、通还道路;平整土地 Eight availables and two accessibles: Water, electricity, heat, gas, sewage, post, telecommunications, and closed circuit TV are available. You are accessible to paved roads and leveled ground.
6 N/ L" c. l) Y/ M9 v  八个环境:园区的创新环境、开放环境、法制环境、引进人才环境、继续教育环境、产业发展空间环境、政府管理和社会服务环境 To create a favorable environment in the Science Park for: technical innovation, outward orientation, operation legalization, talent attraction, continuing education, industrial expansion, governance and service provision 5 J; X9 M) p- A- C
  (英译汉)the three-P’s: patience, persistence, and perseverance “三性”:耐性、持久性、坚韧不拔性
' M' h4 r% `: L3 Q5 [  三.带“化”字的表达方式的翻译
: K7 Z2 n5 n) h; m7 X# l) M  汉语比较灵活,许多字后面都可以加一个“化”字,例如下面的“螺马化”。而英语则不然,不可随意在任何名词和形容词的后面加上相应的词尾(-ize, -ization, -izing)而使其“化”字化。例如,下面若干个带“化”字的词中唯有mechanized一词是“正宗”的,而其余的“化”字全都是根据意思“绕着弯儿”翻译的。这样一来,汉语原文中的简练有力而整齐划一的特色就没有了。但是,意译的效果也有一定的特点,那就是意思清楚、语言地道;再加上大体整齐,或者有可能的话,争取做到对称押韵。0 V: U+ O7 j# X. I" w; p+ j
  男女平等制度化,同工同酬定规化。! w1 A: ]$ x' N( o  d6 Z. E
  The equality between men and women is here to stay, and equal work for equal pay is the order of the day.) l1 ~- h, f8 |) n) {* F  j, z
  重型装备的驮运已经从骡马化发展到机械化。0 l( E+ @# s/ W
  The moving of heavey-duty weaponry has undergone the stage from the use of draught animals to mechanized haulage.
# G. a) l; A- H! Y6 t  干部队伍要革命化、知识化、专业化、年轻化。
5 n8 ~9 s. D- Y5 X6 s4 U  The contingent of cadres should be composed of staunch revolutionaries who are better educated, better trained, and younger in age.- ]+ X& x* @: T
  四.证书和奖状的翻译" n, D, \/ h7 g  J
! v, z% g0 W7 e" q  下面是一个中文奖状的例子。这里提供的译文(包括格式)参照了英文奖状的一些特点:
7 N5 W$ G, V: G  B: I9 S1 r  发明创造 科技之星奖 为表彰在科学技术 方面做出卓越成就 特此颁发证书 获奖者 获奖项目 AWARD This certificate of nomination is presented to Star of scientific/technological invention/innovation (name of recipient) for the outstanding accomplishment of (name of project) Signed by Date

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:54:20 | 显示全部楼层


</p> 英译汉的“特效处理”举例" C4 b- B8 ~( Q, W' a' v' Q
( D( g4 T* x+ E. V  I love my love with an E, because she’s enticing;
5 _6 |9 Y7 d  I, _1 K2 A: V: Z, V  I hate my love with an E, because she’s engaged.
% g8 K4 k" N/ L4 e0 r1 i  I took her to the sign of the exquisite, ( @2 u4 C. w$ k- Z
  and treated her with an elopement. / ]) v2 |- G2 [: U
  Her name’s Emily, 7 g& ]9 K8 K* `- v
  and she lives in the east. 6 {0 k  e) u7 r
: x/ p6 {, B" b& V. E: L  1. 大写字母E共出现三次:短语with an E重复两次;名字Emily出现一次。6 x& |) s" h1 E$ C! K6 b% O
  2. 小写字母e共出现五次,都是单词的首位字母。$ e$ q6 f0 m( Z) l- J- X; k$ \
  3. with an E为“具有可用字母E起头的词所描述的特点”之意;
. w) H6 d; X$ T; g: v3 X0 h  4. the sign of the exquisite指的是一个风光绮丽之地,标牌上写着类似这样的话:) R3 |8 F  e4 }& D
  “欢迎来到世外桃源/人间仙境……(地名)”。5 R8 S/ P3 w2 o) ]+ t6 \
" S3 k' p% d  a2 c: L  O. k  我爱我的那个伊,因为她的美貌让我依恋不已。 0 }/ A+ e- |6 ~2 h1 a/ F" K
  我恨我的那个伊,因为她又依顺投奔他人门第。 3 i0 `# G8 O; l" ^6 _* [) P7 |
  我们曾经依计而行乘风比翼, 3 D7 x/ n" [- r9 e7 k* V
1 \; G, u! a6 t7 K) |' s  我说的那位名字叫做伊米丽, : J5 k% m( g+ k" y( q
% N% m% n! W0 ?9 u5 Q2 |# Y1 ^+ t; b  翻译的思路是这样的:在准确理解原文内容的意思和表现形式的特点的基础上,想一想汉语里有哪些以“伊”打头的词,但这种词很少;派得上用场的只有一个代表“她”的“伊”。然后再考虑以“依”起头的词,这类词比较多;可以从中选择一些有可能用得上的,最后再按照意思的需要把它们“揉”到句子里去。头两行的“伊”字是意和音二者兼备;五个“依”都是放在词语之首,这些同原文比较一致。不足之处是,这里用了“伊”代表大写字母E,而小写字母e则是用“依”来代替,二者不一致。
! r3 H0 G# R, V% t3 s  另一个例子是一封英文“密信”。它出自一英国杂志,我把它古旧的文字进行了简化。这封信的特点是:如果按正常顺序逐行地念下来,它的意思是“我恨你”;而要是隔行念,即按照一、三、五、七、九的顺序,那么它的意思就正好相反,成了“我爱你”。
' k$ B; e8 N. o; W  m9 U" k4 F: h  A Secret Letter
5 z/ Q2 f+ I; |7 ^& n/ P2 {  The great love I have so far expressed for you - s" c: B2 o4 H+ n; ?
  is false. And now I feel that my dislike for you ; \" Z( |" r( h8 r* Z- j
  increases every day, and the more I see you 9 C  l4 _( d; m1 J0 f
  the more disgusting you appear in my eyes; 9 ]' i. v8 m6 o, z# d
  the more I feel I cannot but be determined to
4 m4 R9 z7 t) X  Z: ~  hate you. Believe me, I never had the intention to $ ]. ]5 h$ w4 c" K* |  G8 b- x% n0 `
  offer you my hand and heart. Out last conversation has
9 L0 Y( R* W# ?# @  F# x  left on me such a bad impression, which has by no means " }3 T0 h! n0 u& f6 q
  given me a very good opinion of your character. 2 Y4 E7 b% a/ W* M& M# \
  Yes, madam, I hope you will do me a favour by avoiding me. / {" y+ r* c8 q) G( r  q
  If ever we are married I shall experience nothing but the : ]  E  \1 E( }' V
  deep hatred of my parents in addition to an everlasting dis- , t2 [: n. E6 M& z- a* T
  pleasure of living with you. Yes, madam, I sincerely ask you
  X, A( N2 t* _, D& R& v  not to put yourself to the smallest trouble
' U' U3 B+ ?; H0 `* h6 a  to write me an answer. Goodbye, and believe me that I am
3 _# L! p8 }6 L' m6 M7 o  so opposed to you there is no reason why I should ever be, madam,
1 N5 x) }6 ?# Q6 a7 ?  c4 A0 `  {  your affectionate lover till death.! l; J$ j/ o& a" B
; s( X$ m0 |3 H. m  ?  一封密信
/ z( K( H9 J' V# U" P! i  迄今为止我对你所表示的爱慕之情
  \9 Z8 ?# s1 m1 d  都不是真的。现在,我觉得我对你的恶感 + ^8 m5 @. I0 V
3 |) q/ u7 Z, ~$ u  你就越发引起我强烈的反感和无比的厌恶;
2 m! p' j/ A  V  就越发使我感到不能不当机立断下定决心 0 ?4 i/ B2 C5 D" ^- y
  恨你。我请你相信,我从来就没有打算过 " a  c  O5 V! g3 w- {! W% ?4 ]% d
  向你表示倾心求爱之意。我们上次的谈话 / P- D& _( H: W; \
  给我留下的印象极坏,这也绝不意味着它 1 }( C, p) W$ q7 W4 u5 g
  使我对你的个人品格产生了很好的看法。 2 n( K% n/ c7 P4 m* X# I; O# i
  是的,小姐,我希望你行行好别再见我。 2 f5 N" g7 l% S( m! M: }4 d; e
  如果我们结合在一起,其结果将会使我们 8 O/ @0 v, j/ w% v+ P% G+ B4 m
% Z8 O- u- u6 b: A! H, t  生活幸福。是的,小姐,我衷心地希望你
& ~/ Q  x/ R( s4 Y3 T3 y  不要再无事自扰,自作多情,费冤枉心思
- G4 |) A0 c5 \/ a' O  给我回信。再见,请相信我,我将永远是 9 O  M& l* l/ s* Q) @) ~
! F9 {6 H& Q( {  你山盟海誓的恋人。
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