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[口译中级] 英语词汇记录新中国60年成长之路(4):70年代

发表于 2012-8-16 09:54:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Ping Pong Diplomacy9 }; K& E  D/ ?4 n) K4 N5 ^$ c
The events leading up to the encounter began when Glenn Cowan missed his team bus one afternoon after his practice in Nagoya during the 31st World Table Tennis Championship.6 \6 I& i( [! O/ T; m
As Cowan looked in vain for his team bus, a Chinese player waved to him to get on his Chinese team bus. Moments after his casual talking through an interpreter to the Chinese players, Zhuang Zedong came up from his back seat to greet him and presented him with a silk-screen portrait of Huangshan Mountains. When it was time for them to get off the bus, hordes of photographers and journalists were waiting for them.' s0 L6 _2 F! W# s1 b
On April 10, 1971, nine American players, four officials, and two spouses stepped across a bridge from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland.- m) V7 n  B0 p6 U2 I7 u7 Q
1.实事求是 seek (the) truth from facts; base on facts; be practical and realistic; be realistic and down-to-earth; call a pikestaff a pikestaff; call a spade a spade; come down to earth; do things in a down-to-earth manner; give due consideration to facts; in a matter-of-fact way; in a practical and realistic way; use a practical approach* n3 m& @& G) r" W3 W8 Y! k
【例】Ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts
$ p$ K$ q5 c$ e/ O' S$ A3 f解放思想、实事求是的思想路线
2 G. w! |$ l2 O: X+ S% J( h+ F2. 两个凡是 two whatevers(“两个凡是”是指“凡是毛主席作出的决策,我们都坚决维护;凡是毛主席的指示,我们都始终不渝地遵循”)
( T, Y" j- i# y4 A4 d【例】As you all know, there is a doctrine known as the "two whatevers".Hasn't it become famous?. h& Y- w% \" L3 e
1 h4 c" Q; e/ Q/ l【例】I disapprove of the "two whatevers" because they don't represent Marxism-Leninism or Mao Zedong Thought.
9 X9 q. e6 p6 c/ ]
6 }) u- v' @; I我是不赞成“两个凡是”的。“两个凡是”不是马列主义、毛泽东思想。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:54:20 | 显示全部楼层


</p>3.高考 college entrance examination9 `1 |, ?5 d6 u' ?5 w/ Q2 n! R6 l
【例】After working in a factory for several years, he decided to dust off his middle school textbooks and sit for the college entrance examination.+ {! O- Q" N0 {
+ |+ b# O, ^  {8 @4 Y; S& n4. 乒乓外交 (20世纪70年代中国与美国之间改善外交关系的举措)Ping Pong Diplomacy
! K2 i& x# }: G: x4 j) L6 U8 y  \【例】Ping-pong diplomacy between Chairman Mao and Richard Nixon led to the resumption of ties between China and the United States.
) I" J9 s0 V1 u0 x/ N" i) J1 ?" v& e毛主席和理查德·尼克松总统之间的“乒乓外交”使中国和美国恢复了外交关系。# R" d% g7 T9 @" E* J
5. 联合公报 joint communique; joint declaration
1 `  ^2 Y6 C2 X% B6 [! g- ^【例】Both countries should cherish the three hard-won joint communiqu'es guiding the development of bilateral relations.7 a% |% i: B1 l+ u
中美两国都应珍视来之不易的指导两国关系发展的三个联合公报。' T+ \7 z3 ?8 j( @/ F/ v3 O  M
% T! b" S% T' T" u+ C0 I中美三个联合公报指的是1972年2月28日签订的《中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国联合公报》(《上海公报》)、1979年1月1日签订的《中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国关于建立外交关系的联合公报》(《中美建交公报》)和1982年8月17日签订的《中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国联合公报》(《八一七公报》)。美国在三个联合公报中均强调坚持一个中国原则,这是中美两国关于两国关系以及我国台湾问题的重要历史文件。坚持一个中国政策和中美三个联合公报的原则是中美关系健康发展的政治基础+ A: ~$ @" |3 ^- t
6.批林批孔 \"Criticize Lin Biao, Criticize Confucius\" Campaign
0 e; T; Z9 z/ m0 @8 e* t) `知识补充:: T1 D6 _1 u" o/ ^7 e

# k! o9 H/ U; D4 M6 S: ~! T+ B批林批孔运动是毛泽东的第三任妻子江青在文化大革命时发起的一次政治运动。1974年,江青等人通过批判林彪,故发起“批林批孔”(“林”指林彪,“孔”指孔子)运动。但是,实际上是批判当时的国务院(前身为政务院)总理周恩来,以文字的批判来打击周恩来(这是文革时期常用的批判手法)。原本整句是“批林批孔批周公”。因为身处春秋时代的孔子的思想其实是想把道德败坏、霸主称雄的社会恢复西周周公主政时代的风气,所以这句背后也批评著周恩来在国务院的务实及反正工作是背离文革思想的。很多中国大陆各地的孔庙的文物古迹因此遭到了很大的破坏。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:54:21 | 显示全部楼层


</p>7.包产到户 fix farm output quotas for each household; the fixing of farm output quotas for individual households with each on its own; fix farm output quotas on the household basis  j8 u! o. u& `$ m# J
【例】Now that more flexible policies have been introduced in the rural areas, the practice of fixing farm output quotas on a household basis has been adopted in some localities where it is suitable. It has proved quite effective and changed things rapidly for the better.9 z; F4 ^! }* _+ V
) x# W# o# q, a) N* Q: @1 P7 W# B8.杂交水稻 hybrid rice
0 W6 z0 J, O# V4 n9 I* `【例】The va"iriety of the most important grain crops has been renewed three to five times, each time resulting in increased yields of 10 percent or more. In the past decade the total area sown to hybrid rice has reached 160 million ha, with an increased output of 240 million tons;
' L' y- @* |) d$ A& g0 e$ l主要粮食作物品种更新了3—5次,每次增产幅度均达到10%以上,仅杂交水稻一项,近10年就累计推广1.6亿公顷,增产稻谷2.4亿吨;
8 p0 R( ]% X/ ]: m9.四人帮 Gang of Four
( b: K9 t1 A" T8 ?# x/ J7 W* u* ?【例】They brought harm to millions upon millions of people.+ f+ s8 X* ]2 D' [/ R
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