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[口译中级] 2012年翻译考试口译中级学习:名言汇编七十三

发表于 2012-8-16 09:54:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
out and out 完全地,彻底地
5 E% Y- H2 ^4 d例句:What I said is an out and out truth.
7 [! s/ U) L/ L7 R" e我说的全都是事实。
' ?0 R3 q, b: r+ w# z& R7 a  , r  x  z4 L& B- N5 U
out of sorts  发脾气的 1 `5 V# l  C/ k8 A
例句: Don’t talk to him, he is out of sorts. $ S- i. @. a# S; B
 别跟他说话,他在发脾气。 5 R8 i0 i3 w4 U$ X) F
  : u- P+ i7 c  n6 _/ [4 p0 |0 F
out of temper  发怒的,发脾气  , P/ g" I; E0 n- y8 B
例句: The children were frightened to find him out of temper.
  c3 \; h' V& C孩子们一见他发脾气,都吓坏了。 4 x+ n& ~# v) a7 B$ V9 T
% |: O3 {( G& G9 |over and over  多次地,重复地
+ r( }; Z1 o, p4 I* A. z例句:The foreigner repeated what he said over and over,but I still couldn’t understand him. ; F6 b; s% d# U- L8 ^
2 Y) ?0 _5 u$ z7 [  t- k4 m2 q% I3 d  
' L! f6 \. ?" I0 q! \; Aplay it by ear   随机应变 & O: h2 ^2 }: D
例句:Facing his enemy, he had to play it by ear. , y+ l' m: K6 R$ P* t* ]
6 w6 z  V/ }' O9 U面对敌人,他只有随机应变了。
; m& C1 N8 y8 r" @) Q! D  
- `2 w1 \. [# \pull one’s leg  愚弄 7 ~7 X7 i2 A' |* ?9 ?7 |( t
例句: If you remain stuck-up, they will often try to pull your leg.
  @( }& K' Z! @, {- E假如你还是目中无人的话,他们会常常想愚弄你的。
0 I3 L. V- n4 \7 K9 B+ Y, B  
0 w; z3 s2 R7 t6 Dput away  把…收起来 9 l! l6 r, C9 w# k) U
例句: Put away the heavy clothes. The weather is becoming much warmer.
6 ?" K+ x) N4 s把厚衣服收起来吧, 天气越来越暖和了。
% I" G, W/ G# O3 Q  , a7 c$ V/ V' n( p& D
! }5 D8 Y& J$ Irack one’s brain    绞尽脑汁,努力思索
: R/ F8 Z+ M+ `& G) Z) F例句:Mr. Brown racked his brain trying to remember where he left the wallet.
$ y) h( N" Y$ k& p  2 A/ F7 y4 ]' h, ^

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