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[口译中级] 2012年翻译考试口译中级学习:名言汇编七十

发表于 2012-8-16 09:54:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
hang in the balance  未见分晓 7 g/ }" h: W) Q2 X/ k
例句: After the surgery, the patient became very sick and her life hung in the balance for nearly a week.
! q& W! V# F4 h* {手术后,那个病人非常虚弱,将近一个星期他的生命在垂危中。 : n, Q, O  S8 K7 F/ E' d
- }- P+ W& h* T( n" F- hhang-up  (情感上的)障碍, 大难题
; ]( ~1 U! ]$ A' P) B例句: Mary has a real hang-up about cats and doesn’t like to be in the same room with them.
& @: p" N$ Q; E2 X8 D玛丽对猫有一种摆脱不掉的厌烦,因此不愿意和猫在同一个房间。
2 f9 |! F$ B9 z! F. ?3 r  
% V, d, F6 G8 ^. P, Ghigh and dry  被抛弃的,处于痛苦之中的
& b# F+ Q% e% c! ~+ ^2 j- h例句: George took all the money away and left his companions high and dry,with nothing to buy the tickets.
/ e0 V% L  E+ D+ S! M; b" ^乔治带走了所有的钱,把他的同事抛弃了,连买车票的钱也没有。 + R6 s: T$ s1 T
  4 z4 C! n8 S3 c5 k: k1 T$ r7 h. i
high and low  到处   l6 c# V0 \. ]% f
例句: I looked high and low for my pen,but I couldn’t find it anywhere.
# M& A9 h# ]/ a# |- `9 u" F& x我到处找我的钢笔,但我怎么也找不到它。 , V- Z4 \; Q: q2 d
  : b& E1 T* Z' m& h" N; j5 t
hit upon  偶然想出 4 M" w2 p/ |7 T9 m  U
例句: He crouched there for a long time before he hit upon a plan to defeat his antagonist.
  z7 v& F  P. k5 [- a' }他蹲在那里很长一段时间后,突然想出了一个挫败他对手的计划。
9 {# {. F! C" s$ f; Q$ c( qhit parade   流行歌曲排名
' _3 l! B. I2 q+ I- W8 Q/ \例句:Tom was overjoyed when his new song was named on the hit parade  
# O& b* N8 k& h6 A; {on the local radio station. 5 E" j6 O2 ]7 v+ U4 d( m
' E& E9 u) R; m# Z6 }  Q当汤姆得知他的新歌被列入当地电台的流行歌曲榜时,他欣喜万分。

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