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[口译中级] 2012年翻译考试口译中级学习:名言汇编六十八

发表于 2012-8-16 09:54:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
crocodile tears  鳄鱼的眼泪,假慈悲
( A% x# s! s2 ]0 F% F例句: Don’t shed crocodile tears over his misfortune, I  know you hate him. 1 @* m' Y! R  N' F0 L- ^
不要假惺惺的为他的厄运假慈悲了, 我知道你恨他。  
+ l9 m% K) i4 }9 p  7 G$ ^" l6 [# `! l7 h/ P& \) x
cry over spilled milk  为打翻的牛奶流泪, 做无益的后悔
/ {- u: S  P( F例句: I know that you have lost your purse, but since it had happened, let it go, please don’t cry over spilled milk.
  c) C! l! l6 M# l' w/ x我知道你丢了钱夹,不过既然这件事已经发生了,就让它去,不要做无益的后悔。  - f7 n1 N- r: b8 {7 c3 I
    ' h/ v: D+ v% y1 H6 V
down and out  穷困潦倒,孤苦无助 - N( G$ K9 U0 l1 q# M4 h( W# ]
例句: People should lend him a helpful hand;he’s really down and out.
9 D8 \3 U/ |' Q. }; H9 I人们应该助他一臂之力,他已经穷困潦倒了。
! K) S3 Z. t, B5 c0 G! }+ P  
$ i5 O/ K; X6 Q; N" P' t   
7 p( C/ h0 P: E6 q0 f  w6 N) Xeat like a bird  胃口小,吃的少 6 P$ z  b3 a2 `% I; t0 ?
例句: Lily is very slim bacause she eats like a bird.
6 C1 S" O/ b) p百合十分苗条,因为她吃的少。 5 ^, P8 f4 |$ t: A
0 L0 E, Q) Y4 L& s" Q# C# @far and away  毋庸置疑
, _3 `# ^; q' y7 b, [, I- o" e+ T例句: Tom is far and away the best lecturer in our department.
2 A* V+ w$ m6 T8 J7 g1 c, x7 f毋庸置疑,这是你们系最好的演讲者。
* [0 `/ }5 E/ ^& L1 [7 n1 w  
2 I! o7 C* i( R7 `1 J4 Zfall behind  落后 2 D% g% d/ |1 M, k* [! S
例句: Students who are falling behind their peers at middle school may not necessarily lag behind them at college. , h/ d( k4 N5 ]5 I
7 s$ B( X1 m! d7 ~5 u在中学落后于同班同学的学生到了大学就不一定比其他同学差。
8 L! k% M- X+ j) Z) W5 T  ~' o0 `  
0 B8 q% E! \( f  
+ I7 K6 a! ]" W, nfor good  永远
" ?1 G; d+ w; j$ z例句: smoke less everyday, then you might be able to quit smoking for good. $ y$ a3 H/ j) Z, A! p6 O
每天少吸烟一点, 你就可能会永远戒掉烟。 5 ]* |5 H8 v' ^4 m( V9 I. o
5 V% z* ~* u: ?2 q5 V% Afrom the bottom of one’s heart   内心深处
. ?" y$ _7 `. u! [/ ~1 T2 t. b例句: Though he is being rude at times, he respects you from the bottom of his heart. 4 c' q! a, a: P
  4 E, b6 D8 C8 r. d$ G" ~

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