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[口译初级] 2010年初级口译指导:容易混淆的词汇

发表于 2012-8-16 09:59:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ k& A/ D  r( o' m  accept except
0 i7 r% ]3 g& {1 a  accept:to receive 接收、接纳。
. Z$ {6 Q! K! q/ p  例:please accept my gift.
* v3 X; b) b% r8 ^  g$ y  except:not including 除……以外。
- s5 A5 n# k5 m7 N* S/ R  例:we go to school everyday except sunday.4 ~3 o* A) d. z3 K1 e
  advice advise
# p# V# x# z1 F5 i  advice:opinion about what should be done 忠告、劝告(名词)
1 g0 z' {3 R6 J  例:she gives good advice.' N) {3 q9 J( N
  advise:to recommend 提出忠告(及物动词)5 t0 G1 F! V1 M" K& R9 P
  例:please advise me on what to do.
; v# x, S- k* T, H' R  affect effect- q7 v- |0 b' x% @) p
  affect:to influence 给予……影响。0 I. _' }# N$ F' z: B' A) Y4 @
  例:do not let the loss affect you.3 J% U) `. e3 u2 T: o$ K
  effect:“a effect is a result” 结果。
- {% z$ [' T9 |* _- v; I1 B  例:the loss did not have an effect on me.3 c$ v4 ~! {$ ]0 q) M
  all ready already# r3 A7 k3 t6 P& _
  all ready:everything is ready 全都准备好1 q/ m7 {- }( A! s/ N+ ~
  例:we are all ready to move.1 b; `. {( ]9 B, u# |7 B/ C  d
  already :previously 已经。& u/ Y. d7 ^$ e( A* @
  例:we already moved our things yesterday.6 s4 Z- c6 e% @' M
  complement compliment' c( Z: A: ^6 b3 w  l1 ]2 _
  complement:to make complete 补充。
! O0 E) r( v- ]# M% b" B% d3 }, \% \  例:this hat will complement my new dress.
, j1 C" Q, C: i2 Q  compliment:a compliment is something said in praise 称赞。
$ F% x: F$ r3 ^* s( H  例:thank you for the compliment about my dress.3 f5 m: S" l0 S$ K. q/ w: X7 B
  emigrate immigrate
0 T& Q& P0 _8 N0 n  emigrate:to leave one country to settle in another (由本国以往他国)移民   例:i intend to emigrate from hong kong.( u, |& |- c& F/ p8 I
  immigrate:to come to live in a new country (由外国而来)移民。
4 n8 `) H! h, {' }1 K9 }& V  例:i intend to immigrate to canada.5 c0 Q# d6 ~! L$ ~* _
  past passed6 |0 }# V2 o7 N& y- I0 o; ?
  past :gone by or history 经过,过去、以往。
. e" g- }) w: m' P  例:the car drove past my house.
& `! T2 p" N9 |$ e# k) O# T  my past is very interesting./ ^1 s% o# o$ G) C1 E2 D7 k
- a5 J# Z# B1 D" J; B: L. a$ O' F% {  例:we passed through the town without stopping.
; e. j8 A1 s7 u  principal principle* s% b0 b8 i4 s3 }2 Q2 X
  principal:the head of a school 校长
  |* ~8 g; A$ d8 B# }) |2 y  例:the principal spoke to us today.
* Q9 B' H8 p) q  principle:a principle is an important fact or law.
! O+ K/ C  r, e$ U  例:the principle of democracy is important to ourcountry.
' z5 f9 J+ t9 G, y9 z0 \5 n  stationary stationery
$ s/ ]; ~( k, \% h9 C  stationary:standing still 不动的、静止的。
9 {7 o! W5 e( o- t( F/ z  例:please remain stationary.
* A, }. t" y$ q0 E9 J. u) P* F  stationery:writing materials 文具、信纸。# v2 p& T) P( c2 V  J' g$ R
  例:they went to the store to buy some stationery.
" _9 K% h4 U1 F* ^6 s  uninterested disinterested( y, R' c$ m- v8 ]( {: ^5 b
  uninterested:指没有兴趣,索然无味,漠不关心。& F8 M8 l% w, L+ q, `% p8 l! W8 x- \
  例:an unterested student will not learn anything. 缺乏兴趣的学生什么都学不到。& s0 P5 B3 h- I# @
  词组:unterested attitude 漠不关心的态度
+ G1 K# P. e# M' n3 O: u  be uninterested in 对……无兴趣。
, A$ M1 @  _5 L3 M1 m+ |/ t  disinterested:则表示没有获得利益的动机,进而意指没有偏见,在美语中,也可以作漠不关心解& Y) U/ z  [; ]0 l# W% ~# a3 V
  two disinterested parties are needed to verify these documents for us. 我们需要两个公正的团体来查证这些文件。

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