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[综合] 日语综合学习资料:わび・さび(日英对照)

发表于 2012-8-16 11:39:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 g7 U; {& A8 V% ^Wabi, Sabi(Subtle taste, elegant simplicity)Wabi and sabi are the highest aesthetic values aimed at by traditional Japanese arts, particularly the tea ceremony and poems in seventeen syllables. The two values have at bottom common qualities such as a sense of quiet sadness at the bottom, encouragement of simplicity and rejection of gaudiness. Wabi expresses a way of being quietly clear and calm, a state mainly pursued by Sen-no-Rikyu who perfected the art of the tea ceremony. Sabi means having well-seasoned, refined simplicity, an ideal state in Basho's poems in seventeen syllables. Both men sought the beauty that is one with nature, free from worldly concerns and annoying human relations.

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