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[综合指导] 法语双语绕口令集合(10)

发表于 2012-8-16 14:10:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. Si ces six cent six sangsues sont sans sucer son sang, ces six cent six sangsues sont sans succès.
  k& Z, m& S5 q8 a2 A  2. Si six scies scient six cyprès, six cent six scies scient six cent six cyprès.$ @/ F+ n* A) n$ w# b5 C5 a3 G
  3. Etant sorti sans parapluie,
; p, V8 N3 @/ S  il m'e?t plus plu qu'il pl?t plus t?t.
! g: T  ]( R2 I! J/ ?" P2 \  4. Même maman m'a mis ma main dans mon manchon.
: c  l/ u. W( J* s3 b4 \  5. Ce chasseur sait chasser sans son chien dit le sage garde-chasse, chasseur sachez chasser sans chien!4 d9 C) @9 r* T
  6. Fruits frais, fruits frits, fruits cuits, fruits crus.
8 F8 h$ H) e( _# l3 C3 c  7. Le ver vert va vers le verre vert.
$ W" v6 ?5 z' I( y  _9 J  8. Piano, panier, panier, piano.
1 ]# p1 c7 V( G$ [, @  9. La sole a salé son lit mais la mer a lavé le lit que la sole a salé et la sole rissole dans la casserole.
7 Z! l( ~) J  T( N: u( ]  10. Juste juge jugez Gilles jeune et jaloux.! g8 b3 J* [# ~
  Rough Translations
! T; J7 o9 v, Q' Y6 J. ?  1.If these 606 leeches don't suck one's blood, these 606 leeches are unsuccessful.
6 \$ G% D$ |/ |0 Y6 G' B  2.If six saws saw six cypreses, six hundred six saws saw six hundred six cypreses.
+ z- J  l1 Q) a, c$ w  s  3.Since I went out without an umbrella, it would have been better if it had rained earlier.0 o0 z3 E6 k9 X! n8 n7 w7 M
  4.My mother has put my hand in my sleeve.# s3 h" c$ [( `, B
  5.This hunter knows how to hunt without his dog, says the wise hunting ward. Hunter know how to hunt without dog!
* {4 ^7 b7 Z! w2 n5 l, Q2 c  ?5 f" d  6.Fresh fruit, fried fruit, cooked fruit, raw fruit." ]  a" \- I8 s
  7.The green worm is going towards the green glass.+ h0 e: |' L3 e1 i; w
  8.Piano, basket, basket, piano.en.Examw.CoM
& \* v! V! X5 M! _- ^/ _5 E+ Z  9.The sole dirtied its bed but the sea washed the bed that the sole has dirtied, and the sole is browning (frying) in the casserole./ Z) i) i: G" G7 z; y
  10.Just judge, judge young and jealous Gilles.

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