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[法语词汇] 法词词汇辅导:同形异音词汇总(4)

发表于 2012-8-16 14:41:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  notre - (possessive adjective) our
( j/ s, L* v3 O. n+ n: _& `. |* b* }1 y  n?tre - (possessive pronoun) ours
: C" ~; b! w0 N% [0 @) w6 `3 o4 J) O3 X  nuance - shade, hue, slight difference, nuance
/ q; \; S8 f' C( Q: g1 C. S2 G  nuancé - (adjective) qualified, balanced, nuanced; past participle of nuancer (to shade, qualify, nuance)
) {/ y5 J! W2 w  ou - (conjunction) or# ]) J# _" L; S& p
  où - (adverb) where
9 b/ e3 d+ {( I1 f+ N+ U  pate - pastry, paste; pates - pasta! p1 J8 p' O4 G+ c/ D( l
  paté - paté
; e' H& Z4 I" c2 l# }4 y  péché - past participle of pécher
- ^6 Q' T' B; T0 G  @9 [, ]  pêche - peach, fishing, C7 q2 M) n' [" a' n& a/ @( F
  pécher - to sin+ M$ o$ X! G: \
  pêcher - to fish; ?/ S7 O9 y9 h* ]5 b4 A& z" m
  pécheur - sinner1 |% [9 L& {1 w7 |: w; L
  pêcheur - fisherman
0 U3 W# q. A5 ~3 {  prête - (feminine adjective) ready
% @$ z% |/ M2 v. [  prêté - past participle of prêter (to lend)
, D, A8 u( Z/ Q3 X7 w4 [4 J  rate - spleen& f$ R/ Y7 K+ n' Y, W2 S# i
  raté - past participle of rater (to fail, miss)" a# c0 h% K3 u& m$ T, k
  relache - rest, respite+ P% v) M. j0 i. |+ T
  relaché - loose, lax- ~& J* ~! k) Q- a) w
  reste - rest, leftover
9 Z2 s8 I; F2 u5 D4 P- E& f  resté - past participle of rester (to stay)! X8 u# Q! v6 w
  retraite - retreat, retirement0 E+ S; K5 }) @( K( A- U( v  }
  retraité - retired person; past participle of retraiter (to reprocess)! Y& Y* ]. p9 O, z5 ?: w
  rot - belch, burp9 [8 ^4 U+ P5 O$ Q7 Z0 {
  r?t - (archaic) roast
4 d) f* s8 t  H% T% p7 b; \  roue - wheel
& w6 _2 }# ]6 y& a$ _/ G  roué - (adj) cunning, sly; un roué - cunning/sly person; past participle of rouer (to beat/thrash)
+ _, g5 _# M- J# k( @: F$ S( ~1 Q  roule - first and third person singular of rouler (to wheel/roll along)! j9 {$ l( F0 r. x9 `
  roulé - curved, rolled

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