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[法语词汇] 法词词汇辅导:同形异音词汇总(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 14:41:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  -e vs é
0 S, ^8 R3 \" ]8 \  At the end of -er verbs, the accent is the difference between the first and third person singular present tense and the past participle: O# ~8 {4 F9 h7 e; v/ U
  -e - étudie, parle, visite* ]/ H6 C( Z6 h* ^3 k9 r5 [; i/ G3 a
  -é - étudié, parlé, visité, y. t2 U* S5 o3 J5 U7 F1 o7 d
  entre - (preposition) between% u3 d0 B) M  E! R
  entré - past participle of entrer (to enter)
1 ?; b9 W" x* P/ b  es - second person singular of être (to be)
+ n3 w3 x+ y8 h* A5 _5 i& f  ès - contraction of en + les  J/ m, k7 Z0 K% A$ l. l8 T( t
  êtes - second person plural of être* j  l5 E/ B: X  J0 Y
  étés - summers
! |0 p: O+ b, _  eut - third person singular passé simple of avoir
5 V. ~/ K2 O+ F7 t7 ~  y0 [. o  e?t - third person singular imperfect subjunctive of avoir
) b6 L8 X6 T& }- ~  ferme - farm0 f/ O* c. _, ?5 R9 Z- d$ W
  fermé - past participle of fermer (to close)' l" ?) w  Y/ t# u0 w5 t1 F
  fut - third person singular passé simple of être# n' T5 Y# L; e$ G' D- H
  f?t - third person singular imperfect subjunctive of être$ J+ y- J- S3 ?( c7 O/ ]* ~
  gène - gene! |% N* A: r1 O% g: R
  gêne - trouble, bother, embarrassment( q! J4 {: }$ A2 [7 k
  gêné - (adjective) short of, embarrassed; past participle of gêner (to bother)7 A! z" L) G$ ?9 i
  grade - rank, degree4 E3 |1 o/ g* O% K5 F7 g9 [# Y
  gradé - officer

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