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[综合] 英德 对照互译 (6)

发表于 2012-8-16 21:33:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. Why is the woman holding her hat?
. P( ~+ k! @2 w* z  2. Our daughters like to ride (horseback).
( ~  y2 I2 N0 Z& ^" E# P# Y7 V  v  3. He is praying for his mother, for she is very sick.1 B( `9 W% H# A7 s1 [
  4. Children grow quickly.1 p$ q" ?; J% }
  5. The soldier does not want to kill the enemy, but he must.
/ o$ N6 o1 W3 z+ M1 D  6. I can’t stand her. Is she lazy or what?9 J5 c+ u; D6 O: f/ [" x
  7. She is asking for the report, but he does not have it.
2 V" g/ g( L% T3 c/ J( b6 p  8. Who doesn’t like to eat chocolate?( u9 p- @7 w  Z( c& p  F2 m
  9. The queen suffers a lot, but she is not afraid." R& b' A$ C& U/ Q2 w  o) w1 h
  10. I hate the soldier over there. Do you (s.) hatehim too?
2 H  ~/ H3 j6 v7 d( ]) W- F  11. Sometimes the days are long, and sometimes the years are short.
# z: K/ g  L+ u5 f) b$ n  12. I’m sorry, but I can’t understand you. You must speak slowly and distinctly.
. l* R0 R: m* m1 F* I* H$ E: ^  请看参看德语翻译译文:; y4 ?3 Z9 s: ]4 U: |
  1. Ich laufe schnell.
5 C1 M/ C8 p, y& L: l) N
1 [' d& `) c5 S% l  2. Ja, sie können ihn sehr gut sehen.
& [9 W; `! j  o  3. Warum nicht? Wir haben genug Zeit.
8 ^  `9 O* |' C  H8 R, @8 i8 r  4. Sie kann nur langsam gehen.2 J  \) Q. {. p  l
  5. Ja, er hält immer da.
; D0 C: Y: Y  {- @" o+ w5 s- Z  6. Wir können leider nicht reiten., V# k: h9 p% `  P
  7. Wir wollen keine Fehler machen, aber wir können das Wörterbuch nicht finden.

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