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[德语语法] 德语语法学习指导:德语6个情态动词用法

发表于 2012-8-16 22:20:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. dürfen (to be permitted, may)8 Z; Z+ U( [! V! ~3 J8 i1 x# V6 T
  Present: Darf ich rauchen? May I smoke?
6 L% P9 g$ X# I2 E# H# \  Past/Preterite: Er durfte das nicht. He wasn't permitted to do that.
" Z, j1 n) g6 Q% x  Pres. Perfect/Perfekt: Er hat dort nicht parken dürfen. He was not permitted to park there.7 T" X* [$ @$ E9 q( z
  Past Perfect/Plusquamperfekt: Wir hatten das damals machen dürfen. We had been allowed to do that back then.! a0 p2 h! ~: A% K4 E
  Future/Futur: Wir werden das machen dürfen. We will be allowed to do that.
9 c% H* _0 _5 S$ B0 h- ~3 K* f2 a  Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Wenn ich dürfte... If I were permitted...
0 T7 A0 _2 D( @, U' i# [/ O- {  NOTE: For all modals with umlauts, the simple past (preterite/Imperfekt) has no umlaut, but the subjunctive form always has an umlaut!; R& L, T7 P1 I) O; ~
  Sample Idiomatic Expressions:- F- c# C1 v7 K/ v3 r
  Was darf es sein? May I help you? (store clerk)
/ A6 `1 I  G- J  J  Wenn ich bitten darf. If you please.! J  m- Q0 P4 j: n& Y
  2. können (to be able, can, know)5 S, o% l; a2 k3 [1 a8 @5 [- N1 f
  Present: Er kann gut fahren. He can drive well.$ z6 ~# B: l0 O1 U
  Past/Preterite: Er konnte sie nicht leiden. He couldn't stand her.
2 d& M6 r! d0 w  F' z+ |/ p4 o' E  Pres. Perfect/Perfekt: Er hat sie nicht leiden können. He couldn't stand her.+ Q" [& ^6 ~0 b! l, b- n
  Past Perfect/Plusquamperfekt: Er hatte sie nicht leiden können. He had not been able to stand her.* ~' Y8 S3 [. S" D# Y8 L
  Future/Futur: Er wird sie nicht leiden können. He won't be able to stand her.  h, |( ]4 w9 m- \' ^6 k$ k
  Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Wenn ich ihn nur leiden könnte... If I could only stand him...
! P! R- w+ }4 ~; t7 S  NOTE: For all modals with umlauts, the simple past (preterite/Imperfekt) has no umlaut, but the subjunctive form always has an umlaut!
  U# I( @% c6 i8 o8 a& h/ Y. V  Sample Idiomatic Expressions:
( f, ~4 W) ^2 I7 w  Sie könnten sich irren. You could be mistaken.4 v. x& S$ z$ L9 D" T
  Das kann man wohl sagen. You can say that again.
2 o: h- Y: `- U& P2 s: v  Er kann Deutsch. He knows German. ("can German")
, y2 X" Y* `% s  q) j* `5 c9 u  Er kann Sie jetzt sprechen. He can see you now. (doctor, dentist)
2 w7 r9 ~+ I# D) k  3. müssen (to have to, must)
1 h5 p. \2 m% r$ ~; D9 P  Present: Ich muss dort Deutsch sprechen. I have to speak German there., G* O, w- L* a, O
  Past/Preterite: Er musste es nicht tun. He didn't have to do it.
* A( X9 X5 [/ T5 w/ S; \  Pres. Perfect/Perfekt: Wir haben mit der Bahn fahren müssen. We had to go by train.
8 j. p6 @2 O" L  Future/Futur: Sie wird morgen abfahren müssen. She will have to depart tomorrow.
- i* u% `- @( g$ U  Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Wenn ich müsste... If I had to..., |) C& n+ C. n) l
  NOTE: For all modals with umlauts, the simple past (preterite/Imperfekt) has no umlaut, but the subjunctive form always has an umlaut!( a* a6 S1 o$ c% i
  Sample Idiomatic Expressions:
" `7 b# W/ ?( V5 F  Ich muss nach Hause. I have to go home.
3 a  q1 q9 P# C3 G: g  ~  Muss das sein? Is that really necessary?6 _% f1 S; {& e- h
  So müsste es immer sein. That's how it should be all the time.
, I, ~2 g! k) b3 F  4. mögen (to like)
1 b5 ]& E/ n7 E  Present: Er mag die Suppe. He likes the soup.
! T. }$ c/ P* [( j( E  g5 t  Past/Preterite: Er mochte die Stadt nicht. He didn't like the city.8 C- D+ g( k: o* M# m7 `
  Pres. Perfect/Perfekt: Er hat das Essen nicht gemocht. He didn't like the food.
. q5 J+ ?9 U/ H5 q. N  Future/Futur: Er wird das schon mögen. He'll like that.) d+ |; p$ E# _! u# m
  Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Ja, er möchte Wein. Yes, he'd like (some) wine.
" @, c3 ?: J6 v% O, l  Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Ich möchte... I would like...
7 F( m& T5 l7 m; x4 Z  NOTE: For all modals with umlauts, the simple past (preterite/Imperfekt) has no umlaut, but the subjunctive form always has an umlaut!( l/ R: i- A4 _& t5 z
  Sample Idiomatic Expressions:
' }5 X# @" d/ W5 a1 t  Das mag wohl sein. That well may be. / That may be so.
, j4 L9 s* o/ H  Das mag der Himmel verhütten! Heaven forbid!( q. N5 m/ R& X/ x7 B( c; r
  Er mag/mochte etwa 1,3 Meter groß sein. He must be/must have been about 1.3 meters tall.
/ _$ s: _) x- O& ~# K  5. sollen (to be supposed to, should/ought to)7 K: Y+ }$ u: \& _
  Present: Er soll reich sein. He's supposed to be rich. / It's said that he's rich.
# U5 p: v. m# D9 j. @) R, ]" A  Past/Preterite: Er sollte gestern ankommen. He was supposed to arrive yesterday.( D! E8 O, ]) D( Z( W4 W/ t
  Pres. Perfect/Perfekt: Du hast ihn anrufen sollen. You should have called him.% D8 U3 P! m1 S
  Future (in sense of): Er soll das morgen haben. He'll have that tomorrow.% }1 f* T: A) |( R9 k3 V4 |) ]2 b
  Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Das hättest du nicht tun sollen. You shouldn't have done that.
  @7 Y) r" T6 z+ ], |; e2 N1 M  Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Wenn ich sollte... If I should...
- G# T% I8 z) {3 ~  Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Sollte sie anrufen... If she should (happen to) call...$ c; E& z4 x- j( Z% p
  Sample Idiomatic Expressions:
0 ^9 l! G& B' p) g2 W, I  Das Buch soll sehr gut sein. The book is said to be very good.
/ K5 w) d+ R/ n: {% i+ P5 u" W  Du sollst damit sofort aufhören! You're to stop that right now!

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 22:20:23 | 显示全部楼层


  Was soll das (heißen)? What's that supposed to mean? What's the idea?
, f3 e9 p7 z# {( s! X% a  Es soll nicht wieder vorkommen. It won't happen again.
3 t' g; k6 P! y' Y, q  6. wollen (to want to, said to be)
& |! m4 l$ d! J& T+ D8 g7 s  Present: Sie will nicht gehen. She doesn't want to go.
) A- n' ]+ `' O! a7 p) A  Past/Preterite: Ich wollte das Buch lesen. I wanted to read the book.
" Z7 o8 D* N: V0 x. O% Y1 y/ q9 Q  Pres. Perfect/Perfekt: Sie haben den Film immer sehen wollen. They have always wanted to see the movie.
! H% Q7 [8 `( L/ y: d  Past Perfect/Plusquamperfekt: Wir hatten den Film immer sehen wollen. We had always wanted to see the movie.
6 Y% r( W8 V- R. |5 {" B* C% j  Future/Futur: Er wird gehen wollen. He will want to go.9 |9 g/ W3 p! @
  Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Wenn ich wollte... If I wanted to...
" s" m( C: D+ v! F$ f- d  Sample Idiomatic Expressions:8 f8 P% `/ h  o7 Y
  Das will nicht viel sagen. That's of little consequence. That doesn't mean much.
0 F. F& O3 t4 c; H$ T3 P; a  Er will es nicht gesehen haben. He claims not to have seen it.( W; f: s2 r7 r1 @( I) G# c
  Das hat er nicht gewollt. That's not what he intended. </p>
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