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[韩语词汇] 韩语词汇辅导:实用韩语(韩英)3

发表于 2012-8-17 00:58:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
101.뭐 이런 놈이 다 있어~! What kind of person is this!
" m8 y- |# v9 q102.저 사람 변태 아니야? Isn't he a pervert?
) j3 Z  P6 F6 f. v) m103.보자보자 하니 해도 너무 한다 I let it go, but this is too far ) \! ~; Q( q8 D; u& k) N
104.애들은 싸우면서 크는 거야 Kids grow up fighting all the time. 6 v% t1 u& q0 U1 c" ]2 k
105.어휴~ 난 이제 죽었다 Man.. I'm dead now.
7 V9 v( M& _; h# Q/ F% i$ d106.걔 생각하면 지금도 가슴이 아프다. When I think about him, it hurts even now. + Y- L! \) V( E3 B' p4 }0 g) }, d
107.옷이 촌스럽다 Those clothes are out of style.
1 o2 i& k7 @' K, z1 _+ V  ?108.기본부터 돼 먹지 않았다. It was wrong from the beginning ! a, k6 B5 ^1 @6 e: N- }
109.지나가던 개도 웃겠다. A passing dog would even laugh 9 i% c# @+ S! S. T# K' x* n* Z
110.나 나이 헛 먹은 거 아냐! Do you think I've aged uselessly?
1 p" Q" Z- Q3 [6 Y111.누구 맘대로? With whose permission?
* x" i) [( _$ f! a: b- r% h) c112.니가 잘나면 얼마나 잘났니? If you're all that, how big could you be?
1 o" c9 E' B) H, ]% i113.아! 사는 게 왜 이럴까. Why is my life like this? / p/ k  L% t. \
114.그 여자는 너무 코가 높아 (콧대가 세다/도도하다). She's too snobby. ' D% E3 \( h6 B+ T4 W
115.내 일은 내가 알아서 다 할거야. I'll take care of my business. + v6 v$ \: }+ I5 Y
116.뭐 찔리는 거라도 있는 거야? Are you hiding something? : ]/ }' G% Z3 D- Q8 ]
117.니 입만 입이냐? Do you think your mouth is the only mouth here? . X) u# [) }$ Y( ~2 I3 c! P" v
118.내 방은 지저분해서 발 디딜 틈이 없어 My room is so messy, there is no place to step.
$ L( c! w7 q; w1 u" A/ R5 L8 t) r% p119.좋은 게 좋은 거지. If it nice, then it's nice $ E( `. c( O* L
120.넌 꼭 그런 말만 골라 하는군. You always choose that type of words
( y7 @/ |# H  Y9 f121.찍어둔 사람 있습니까? Do you have someone in mind? (anyone: 있는지 없는지 모를 때) ; J; E6 b1 q9 K# _& r: P( n
122.너 시치미 떼지마. Don't you try to lie. (you 에 강세) % x5 Q. J. u, B  C
123.친구랑 정이 많이 들었어요. I feel very close to my friend. 6 o. W4 K1 e+ \) O$ w
124.그거 수상한 냄새가 나는데. There's something fishy about it. 1 k, a; |. G9 u- f
125.느낌이 오는데. / 감이 잡히는데. I got a hunch. / Q6 b, @) F* [- l( |, S: Y
126.그는 자신감으로 똘똘 뭉쳤다 He is full of self-confidence * j9 D3 |. q9 s/ k: ~/ Y
127.좋은 사람 있으면 소개 시켜 줘. Hook me up if there's a good person.
) z6 u+ R5 ?  f& l; B128.팀웍이 중요하다혼자너무 튀지 마라. Teamwork is important, don't try to stick out.
3 _7 P  N. A+ L, `8 N129.난 쓸데없는 오해받기 싫어. I don't want to be accused unfairly. ! E/ w/ P% j5 E" i7 ]) g' z
130.네가 보고 싶으면 어떻게 참지? How do I control myself if I miss you?
  \( {2 c8 [; U. `- Z% H131.우정이 갈수록 부실해진다. Our friendship is falling apart as time passes. ' b8 x$ W4 D2 _, }. T
" q4 e: O2 h# I* I
132.모든 게 귀찮어 Everything is a hassle.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-17 00:58:46 | 显示全部楼层


</p>133.&#45572;&#44032; &#45768; &#49457;&#44201;&#51012; &#48155;&#50500;&#51452;&#44192;&#45768;. Who would put up with your attitude? ; A5 ~$ ]. u6 B6 t; J
134.&#44048;&#51901;&#44057;&#51060; (&#49324;&#44480;&#45716; &#44288;&#44228;&#47484;) &#49549;&#51060;&#45796;&#45768;... You hid your relationship to everyone.
& z0 L0 J2 J0 G3 `8 k135.&#44208;&#53076; &#44256;&#51032;&#44032; &#50500;&#45768;&#50632;&#45796;. I didn't mean to do that. / It's not what I mean. % ~& c0 W+ F9 b% d( d- U4 a4 e
136.&#45324; &#48176;&#49888;&#51088;&#45796;. You are a traitor! 5 `1 E4 r; R6 o: \
137.&#45796; &#54000; &#45212;&#45796;. Everything shows./ It's too obvious. / You can't hide it. / P7 j; g$ h/ I- S. X& d- V
138.&#44284;&#50672; &#50620;&#47560;&#45208; &#48260;&#54008; &#49688; &#51080;&#51012;&#44620;? How long could it last?
( C8 l) H. F" x+ c6 Q! i  r3 e139.&#51328; &#48400; &#51452;&#47732;&#49436;&#54644;&#46972; (&#48520;&#49933;&#54616;&#45796;..) Be a little gentle with him. " V* M3 z, H* c
140.&#45320;&#54616;&#44260; &#44172;&#51076;&#51060; &#50504; &#46108;&#45796; (&#49345;&#45824;&#44032; &#50504; &#46108;&#45796;.) There is no game with you.
$ I9 `  r; z0 c* [; |141.&#44536;&#47000;&#49436;?&#45236;&#44032; &#50612;&#46523;&#44172; &#54616;&#44600; &#48148;&#46972;&#45768;? So? What do you want me to do? 1 d; @. P: {8 p. |+ E
142.&#51060;&#51232; &#46028;&#51060;&#53420; &#49688;&#44032; &#50630;&#45796;. (&#49548;&#50857;&#50630;&#45796;) You can't turn back now.
- O6 [+ D, f7 h' B143.&#45453;&#45812;&#46020; (&#51109;&#45212;&#46020;) &#49324;&#46988; &#48400;&#44032;&#47732;&#49436; &#54644;&#46972;. Look who you are joking with.
0 P# M4 p# N) `144.&#45348;&#44172; &#49453;&#49453;&#54616;&#45796;. I'm disappointed.
. Z% ^. ?2 V8 b1 Y145.&#49324;&#46993;&#51060; &#49885;&#50632;&#44396;&#45208; The love has died.
4 |4 [+ a; a) a" r) r- J* T3 K, H9 D146.&#50864;&#47532; &#49324;&#51060;&#44032; &#50528;&#47588;&#54616;&#45796;.. I don't know what kind of relationship we have ) a0 _. w* |5 u+ o8 E; e
147.&#51060; &#50628;&#49332;&#51137;&#51060;... You baby.. 3 {" r6 X: G/ q: z# Z
148.&#45320;&#51032; &#51096;&#47803;&#51012; &#45224;&#50640;&#44172; &#46496;&#45336;&#44592;&#51648; &#47560; Don't try to put your mistakes on others.
$ G! Z8 l$ c7 g149.&#44620;&#48520;&#44256; &#51080;&#50612;, &#45796;&#51020;&#48512;&#53552;&#45716; &#44620;&#48520;&#51648;&#47560;. Don't try to joke anymore
, A  }( q6 D+ z/ g150.&#50556;! &#45320; &#51064;&#47932;&#51060; &#55012;&#54644;&#51276;&#44396;&#45208; Hey, your face looks a lot better.
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