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[综合辅导] 意大利综合辅导资料之谚语大全02

发表于 2012-8-17 13:33:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Bacco, tabacco e Venere riducono l'uomo in cenere.
4 |2 L! w: {" q7 \( U  English translation: Wine, women, and tobacco reduces one to ashes.$ t! }3 c$ [  ]0 g4 L
  Batti il ferro quando è caldo.6 n: q+ j1 ^$ E9 @. h
  English translation: Strike when the iron is hot.% S$ s3 d1 l0 ~1 V* {5 H
  Belle parole non pascono i gatti.( `: e! M- l3 ~8 Y1 P
  English translation: Fine words don't feed cats." T; K" x. }; B- b) i
  Botte buona fa buon vino.
0 M( l# t+ Z* h& N0 \: K+ n  English translation: A good cask makes good wine.

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