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[意语语法] 意大利语语法指导-否定句(1)

发表于 2012-8-17 13:41:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A sentence is usually made negative in Italian by placing the word non in front of the verb:
( |8 T/ I! f- x  Francesca voule dormire. (Francesca wants to sleep.)
7 r) Z" U5 A3 n, o2 \  Francesca non voule dormire. (Francesca doesn't want to sleep.)
0 M9 H& @0 D/ j: `, g3 q  Loro parlano cinese. (They speak Chinese.)
, }& n3 k/ L' m2 _  Loro non parlano cinese. (They don't speak Chinese.)
4 }* [9 y# e- t. ]  Only object pronouns may be placed between non and the verb:9 j% x  \, V  f2 B8 }1 c) }
  Lo conosciamo. (We know him.). t1 t# \. a, y/ B! L6 M
  Non lo conosciamo. (We don't know him.)' a3 M- W. P4 i( G
  Lo hanno fatto. (They did it.)4 A$ Z$ J3 l. F0 V+ j, E* I
  Non lo hanno fatto. (They did not do it.)

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