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[意语语法] 意大利语语法指导资料:完成进行时

发表于 2012-8-17 13:41:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
In Italian, to express an action that began in the past and is still going on in the present, use the verb in the present tense + da + length of time. This construction does not exist in English, where you would use the present perfect tense. Here are a few examples: & ^- `( k! X% Y- h4 V
Leggo questo libro da una settimana. (I've been reading this book for a week.)
- V: ^0 c4 t" T; j" `2 v" F( e, f' RPrendiamo lezioni di italiano da molti mesi. (We've been taking Italian lessons for many months.) : _; i: N  E' Y, _% F
To ask how long something has been going on, use da quanto tempo + present-tense verb:
1 X# ~" T4 x9 D3 F( E; mDa quanto tempo leggi questa rivista? (How long have you been reading this magazine?)
" U+ a8 B4 R/ k$ TLeggo questa rivista da molto tempo. (I've been reading this magazine for a long time.)

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