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[意语词汇] 意语词汇资料:意大利语辅音表1

发表于 2012-8-17 13:46:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  The consonants not listed below (b, f, m, n, v) are pronounced as in English. The approximate English equivalents are as follows:3 q+ x* ]! Y5 m6 q  l
  c before a, o, and u is like the English k.. h$ \) ?- {' Z/ U
  Italian English
2 e! K9 f% H7 U  casa house  c; t' A9 e3 I% u+ r( G/ ~, K
  fico fig
; `6 J1 Q* \, L0 `  con with  _1 S( [8 A! q' T& R  j5 y
  Colesseo Colosseum* R( A, Y; V, V/ p9 F* ?: h
  capo head
# }. a" p/ ?6 k; E  Cupido Cupid( N9 f% V# u9 P2 L6 C+ |
  cane dog
; j1 G/ b# [7 C9 M8 V  camera camera
. W- L6 k6 r" k( {5 y  F1 L  caffè coffee( {8 Z$ f, x  Q: k- Q
  culla cradle8 `- f5 i3 y% l5 J. _* h4 [. Z
  c before e or i is like the English sound ch in chest.
- b5 U- `$ |1 [7 y0 R& U/ R1 r  Italian English
: G" g9 L2 B: e  cena supper0 f" y! d* S4 n2 m  N$ B
  voce voice
7 q) Y# i2 N% f  cibo food* q) p- M7 L" j
  concerto concert+ P/ r) B1 I9 `
  aceto vinegar
# M; J* b8 y. O( c/ d" d  cinema cinema7 {* X4 @, Q; U; _) i
  cipolla onion
- P2 L6 R9 V0 [: e+ i  facile easy
9 T" j- v! k/ U' _8 x( y3 h0 X  ch (found only before e or i) is like the English k.3 Y0 A0 Q7 U/ ^4 Y1 d0 _
  Italian English2 s# s2 @" I/ m$ K5 J& D
  che that3 A3 f2 X% S$ x; a! {, D. ~
  chimica chemistry
0 L: C( _) h. {9 D; F  perché because
, x: B7 g9 H8 a, @( o# }- S  fichi figs4 {* y) |. W% b6 b
  chilo kilo! g& N  {! W% \
  chi who
* _  K9 F! q1 x: p  chiuso closed
, `. a- h: e3 ?4 T( Z* e  anche also+ W4 Q0 B; A# R4 y' s( [+ G8 b

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