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[意语词汇] 意语词汇学习基础课程第20课

发表于 2012-8-17 13:46:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  You might find cardinal (counting) numbers the most useful to know—you will need them to express time, record dates, do math, interpret recipe amounts, and, of course, count. In Italian, cardinal numbers are written as one word. Use the following table to memorize numbers from 1 to 100.6 y( X9 t, x9 M/ O$ P# m
  ITALIAN CARDINAL NUMBERS: 1-1005 Z* E2 j% ^1 K' R$ A; u
  1 uno OO-noh
% b, |& n9 B& N& l! Y) ^! `  2 due DOO-eh" ^4 v4 A7 l8 u
  3 tre TREH4 @0 i* {/ ?* o: l! T' k, O, c
  4 quattro KWAHT-troh
/ U: o* e2 o4 C2 V  5 cinque CHEEN-kweh5 T0 ]" x# B/ |+ @+ N, ^3 ?
  6 sei SEH-ee: i6 S% w, `  \
  7 sette SET-teh
# w" c2 O5 N1 H3 L  8 otto OHT-toh
& m* m  K9 r& W% R  C: `  9 nove NOH-veh
  l% b' O. x) q  z) W% `* V  10 dieci dee-EH-chee
' o/ c& o5 v: I1 u* ]8 \/ [  11 undici OON-dee-chee6 [9 H( d2 M9 d) w$ i
  12 dodici DOH-dee-chee
" q2 u+ R$ B, W9 f" w  13 tredici TREH-dee-chee5 [( R6 Z  y8 g- w1 u& S
  14 quattordici kwaht-TOR-dee-chee
/ X' S/ Z) W* f0 ]- Y  15 quindici KWEEN-dee-chee5 M4 o& z  L) p* g1 p1 F
  16 sedici SEH-dee-chee+ x+ ~) M+ o5 @+ K
  17 diciassette dee-chahs-SET-teh
" p' l+ _# H' J7 [  18 diciotto dee-CHOHT-toh5 f! d( ?4 P- g
  19 diciannove dee-chahn-NOH-veh+ [& S3 t! [. A0 O* d0 D# C/ s
  20 venti VEN-tee
! A7 G! b* g$ @) b  21 ventuno ven-TOO-noh& Q* H- T/ B1 b5 a7 {
  22 ventidue ven-tee-DOO-eh8 f3 R% ~6 E3 q
  23 ventitré ven-tee-TREH- q' d4 _9 [! L# Y) F% n
  24 ventiquattro ven-tee-KWAHT-troh5 P8 b  F. ?: g0 }
  25 venticinque ven-tee-CHEEN-kweh
% a# L0 I1 x+ m3 L+ O$ [  26 ventisei ven-tee-SEH-ee
3 {+ s6 w5 l( B( v  27 ventisette ven-tee-SET-teh3 x; R" |0 n# y+ D/ [& M3 j
  28 ventotto ven-TOHT-toh
* J) W) j, D6 E- s7 \- o  29 ventinove ven-tee-NOH-veh8 m0 W" {2 m1 [: }$ E8 g+ Y" ~
  30 trenta TREN-tah! a& e/ p1 \& Y* s1 i1 ~7 y8 f
  40 quaranta kwah-RAHN-tah
6 A7 i5 O9 x  m7 F1 p8 Q  50 cinquanta cheen-KWAHN-tah
. K, }' x( V8 @8 s  r  b( [  60 sessanta ses-SAHN-tah' F9 r0 Z7 a% \1 J" K& T, Y
  70 settanta set-TAHN-ta8 D# z1 f1 y0 V9 D7 }5 q. ]" g+ ?# e
  80 ottanta oht-TAHN-ta
& h* H, Q1 J$ J0 a8 Y/ E  90 novanta noh-VAHN-tah- L: M; y% c8 p# F# m
  100 cento CHEN-toh+ w2 H5 F6 l4 p; k7 }
  The numbers venti, trenta, quaranta, cinquanta, and so on drop the final vowel when combined with uno and otto. Tre is written without an accent, but ventitré, trentatré, and so on are written with an accent.

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