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[意语听说] 意语口语辅导:基础口语(意英对照)

发表于 2012-8-17 13:50:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Basic Italian Phrases! b4 Q+ k& Z, ^4 W! U
  Sì. Yes.
& ^5 d* [* T- B  No. No.) D; I% P4 a( Q! Q7 @
  Per favore. Please.
  g  m. w$ A7 ?+ t  Grazie. Thank you.+ a+ E" Z- |- \% \" ]& ~3 I1 R8 B' Z
  Prego. You’re welcome.
' M2 V9 ^9 n* |2 e2 S4 P  Mi scusi. Excuse me.7 p* M+ {2 {# g* c0 N& q! k
  Mi dispiace. I am sorry.
+ Y2 L4 {1 E3 O5 [% D  Buon giorno. Good morning.
1 L2 K2 C6 r$ n: s! Y  i4 E  Buona sera. Good evening.
% m* @4 g# n' Y5 [' {- G" |  Buona notte. Good night.) ?# E& }4 ?7 T& f4 R. g
  Italian Phrases for Meeting and Greeting# L; {6 _3 p& W; n" _6 P) i  Z  o
  Parla inglese? Do you speak English?1 U9 L6 ~, z) ]) Z) |2 Q" U
  C’è qualcuno che parla inglese? Does anyone here speak English?
+ ^7 p, \, z+ T! V4 A2 S7 K) g  Mi dispiace, ma non parlo bene l’italiano. I’m sorry, I don’t speak Italian very well.6 D. b8 n; r4 j& ?& {5 p
  So soltanto un po’ di italiano. I only speak a little Italian.- j' x. u, B5 w/ {* x+ N
  Come si chiama, Lei? What is your name?
- d% Y  U. `* M$ [# {! t) S  Mi chiamo Martin. My name is Martin.
8 T9 }& G. O6 _5 x5 N# D  Le presento Caterina. This is Caterina.; S8 y0 M4 T: X2 }
  Come sta? How are you?
! N, H. s' ?+ W, m) [7 s  Sto bene, grazie. I’m fine, thank you.
7 N8 {5 U9 ^- w8 j2 c  Piacere. I am pleased to meet you.: h0 K+ h' J3 t7 Y) E$ C" ~
  è stato un piacere conoscerla. It was nice to meet you.% l7 q/ u2 R) V4 D
  Non capisco. I don’t understand.9 T5 s7 o4 l2 ^4 B: f- {! Z
  Scusi, che cosa ha detto? Excuse me, what did you say?
( \7 t& ]% e/ Q. y% _  Può parlare lentamente? Could you speak more slowly?
8 L4 E8 l& `9 P0 M* R; ~" a! B  Capisco benissimo. I understand perfectly.
5 c; r8 h3 K: N% i  Buona giornata! Have a nice day!
8 p# K/ T0 c/ W, v- D% U  Italian Dialog* M  \1 c8 ^: K% S$ A  c: r) t2 ]
  Signor Babbit: Buon giorno.  [9 U1 E2 `4 t9 ~: M9 i
  Good morning.+ a* u- V0 C4 `/ E
  Parla inglese?
7 M; |2 `" l  ~# }6 m  Do you speak English?
. Y1 o$ u( z* Z8 H+ j2 X! N3 e  Commessa: No, mi dispiace, ma non lo parlo.9 W" L+ H, n, [, c& i
  I’m sorry, I don’t speak English.
7 r4 j* J. I' Q/ I# M2 h. c  Signor Babbit: Purtroppo so soltanto un po’ di italiano., z3 y0 x! |2 v# D& C6 b
  I’m afraid I only speak a little Italian.
# R) [4 b! u/ c" h  Commessa: Non fa niente.: V; M) a/ ?% N% G  ?
  That’s alright.
; ?9 }% K$ x7 l0 ]% c& o  Riesco a capirla., U7 u/ D, f2 j, W! v( t
  I understand you.
6 A& `" Y% _5 R! w5 w' N  Signor Babbit: Mi innervosisco sempre quando parlo in italiano.
( T$ J& q0 R& r" [% J- C" `  I always get nervous when I speak Italian." c! }" n' ^; J/ b
  Commessa: La capisco benissimo.' b6 {" |; K: ~8 w- X
  I understand you very well.

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