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[意语听说] 意大利语听说之精选民间谚语02

发表于 2012-8-17 13:50:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A rubar poco si va in galera, a rubar tanto si fa cariera.
: N* h3 b, `$ W  English translation: Steal a little, go to jail; steal a lot, make a career of it.
& n  M+ g* k% d2 T9 p  A tutto c'è rimedio, fuorchè alla morte.# K: K! F9 u; K. J$ K% M2 E3 x# d
  English translation: There is a cure for everything except death.
% M% i" i# k2 L  Acqua cheta rovina i ponti.! z; R+ G: M- n" d5 Q
  English translation: Silent waters run deep.5 D( N1 z2 [6 C' B% q9 D
  Acqua passata non macina più。
$ R5 ]7 w6 }1 z  English translation: That's water under the bridge.
2 O, e, H9 P7 m0 B( q$ ~  Aiutati che Dio t'aiuta., _! a8 v" x, N6 ~" S2 p6 @& e( k
  English translation: Help youself and God will help you.
: P' \% f( V7 M" z+ P  Idiomatic meaning: God helps those who help themselves.
2 q: L0 w- U9 b7 X, c+ y4 F  Al bisogno si conosce l'amico.6 u4 p" G9 ?. R' F: J
  English translation: A friend in need is a friend indeed.
! W2 W, W0 ]! U) I- x, A; k% O# Y  Al contadino non far sapere quanto è buono il formaggio con le pere.3 m. S% o0 E+ D- [7 E* m# q
  English translation: Don't let the farmer know how good cheese is with pears.8 @, z2 e8 k, @: Z1 b
  Ama il prossimo tuo come te stesso.- j" d( W! e; @" k
  English translation: Love thy neighbor as thyself.
1 r0 v- B1 V  d& d0 N  Ambasciator non porta pena.
  T6 E+ _6 T# h5 _  English translation: Don't shoot the messenger.5 E$ Z0 D% v; d! ]& c: E1 y. q6 o
  Amico di tutti e di nessuno e tutt'uno./ [; h4 N6 {9 g; e+ Q  c; Q
  English translation: A friend to all and a friend to none is one and the same.
6 U# [7 e, ^/ _9 _2 u, J5 e  Avere le mani in pasta.
8 N$ e& w2 N. L. F9 F8 s% H: x0 @; q! s  English translation: To have a finger in the pie.

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