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[意语听说] 意大利语听说之精选民间谚语05

发表于 2012-8-17 13:50:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Dai nemici mi guardo io, dagli amici mi guardi Iddio!
  d; u/ H/ n4 s/ z7 R3 m  English translation: I (can) protect myself from my enemies; may God protect me from my friends!
4 V: }" z5 ~6 d+ p% q) z8 x! I  Dare a Cesare quel che è di Cesare.5 a% \) \" }. _; g6 h: h% W7 c. [
  English translation: Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar.& Y7 `5 r$ v8 `3 n7 F+ a( q9 ^
  Idiomatic meaning: Give credit where credit is due.6 g4 X4 ]3 W( e
  Del male non fare e paura non avere./ y3 V4 h2 P9 N4 v& r
  English translation: Do no evil and have no fear.4 t4 a1 ^2 n  N. _2 L
  Del senno di poi (ne) son piene le fosse.
3 K% Z8 @1 z% m# ]+ g; q" |8 n  F  English translation: Graves are filled with after-the-fact wisdom.. R* S$ ^7 i8 \. D; d5 l4 K
  Idiomatic meaning: Hindsight is 20/20 vision.' t+ H  N/ w2 E7 a$ o3 I/ @* e
  Detto fatto., _7 j3 i+ r8 `1 {* q) |
  English translation: No sooner said than done.
2 l; L' W% L4 R& E, @  Dio ci salvi dal povero arricchito e dal ricco impoverito.$ I: W5 S' m  J! o+ f7 o$ L
  English translation: God save us from the enriched poor and from the impoverished rich.
. N$ A7 }; G  V' B9 g; e  Dopo la pioggia viene il bel tempo.
- F' n" W1 }" f0 q  English translation: Every cloud has a silver lining.

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