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[意语基础] 意大利语辅音表

发表于 2012-8-17 13:54:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The consonants not listed below (b, f, m, n, v) are pronounced as in English. The approximate English equivalents are as follows:
' o1 B5 q. \- G' Q- Xc before a, o, and u is like the English k. ! d1 z& l6 |& e. ~8 u
ItalianEnglishcasahouseficofigconwithColesseoColosseumcapoheadCupidoCupidcanedogcameracameracaffècoffeecullacradle  H' l9 q8 q8 [3 _7 S" V4 \
c before e or i is like the English sound ch in chest.
2 Q3 K& Q  x# }3 M0 EItalianEnglishcenasuppervocevoicecibofoodconcertoconcertacetovinegarcinemacinemacipollaonionfacileeasy+ L3 }1 E! H9 n* r' l( n
ch (found only before e or i) is like the English k. + N4 u( Y2 @( u! r  V
ItalianEnglishchethatchimicachemistryperchébecausefichifigschilokilochiwhochiusoclosedanchealso/ Y+ H# i3 |6 x* u
d is somewhat more explosive than in English, with the tongue near the tip of the upper teeth but with no aspiration. . K' u  P' h1 E
ItalianEnglishdiofdatadatedovewhereduetwodenaromoneydodicitwelvedonnawomanlunedìMondaymodafashionundicieleven6 a7 l! B1 Z8 i; a8 V  B
g before a, o, and u is as in the English word go.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-17 13:54:11 | 显示全部楼层


ItalianEnglishgalagalaalbergohotelgondolagondolagambaleggustotastefungomushroomgonnaskirtgommaeraserlungolongguantiglovesguidareto drivelinguatongue' m* E" i- p4 l0 h+ N/ _
g before e or i is like the g in gem. / J/ j$ E% [" o3 I
ItalianEnglishgelatoice creamangeloangelpaginapagegentepeoplegessochalkgentilekindgitaoutinggennaioJanuary
5 k0 x6 M% D6 A8 Q- Ogh (found only before e or i) is like the g in go. ( l- E$ X; P& k$ t1 Z
ItalianEnglishghettoghettofungheescapeslaghilakesmaghimagicians% Y2 `. S7 n: J
gli is approximately like ll in million. 8 ~9 k+ [6 b* y
ItalianEnglisheglihemegliobetterfiglisonsfamigliafamilymogliwivesagliogarlicfoglisheets (of paper)bottigliabottle1 Y$ [2 X9 t" L. L+ Z2 O& l6 h
gn is approximately like ny in canyon.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-17 13:54:12 | 显示全部楼层


ItalianEnglishsignoraladylavagnablackboardsignoregentlemanbagnobathsignorinayoung ladysognodreamlasagnelasagnaspugnasponge6 A$ G! {( |. i
h is silent. 4 S  m9 {5 R& x  ]) K
ItalianEnglishhoI havehotelhotelhahasahi!ouch!hannothey have/ ?8 W  D- M$ {
l is as in English, but sharper and more forward in the mouth.
2 Q2 [6 q9 X, n  A/ |ItalianEnglisholiooillingualanguagesalesaltlungolongmelonemelonlunamoonscuolaschoollightlight
& n5 c7 B5 N( U1 [p is as in English, but without the aspiration that sometimes accompanies this sound in English. 8 E1 _$ X* j  `# B/ k
ItalianEnglishpanebreadpatatapotatopepepepperpapàdadpoponemelonpontebridgepipapipepuntoperiodpastomealpronunciapronunciationAlpiAlpspsicologopsychologist0 p/ p# c6 o0 j$ V) s
qu is always pronounced like the English qu in quest.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-17 13:54:13 | 显示全部楼层


ItalianEnglishquestothisquintofifthqualewhichquartofourthquantohow muchquantitàquantityquadropicturequalitàqualityr is different from the English r; it is pronounced with one flip of the tongue against the gums of the upper teeth. This is the trilled r.   v4 @3 n! F3 M/ Q. a3 S4 r7 |
ItalianEnglishoranowtenoretenoralbergohotelbaritonobaritonearteartorologiowatchportadoorsardinasardine0 l7 v) U5 M' R0 H8 q% @+ E
s is sometimes like the English s in house.
0 L1 F2 Q' o0 ^! b! gItalianEnglishsoggiornoliving roomtestaheadstanzaroomfestaparty; holidaypostamailstufatostewpastapasta; dough; pastrypistatrack3 k$ D. P" c- v" M
s is sometimes (but always before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, and v) like the English s in rose.
. K/ }- U6 B9 m! cItalianEnglishrosarosetesorotreasurefrasephrasesveltoquicksbagliomistakeesercizioexercisemusicamusicsgridareto scoldsusinaplumsbadatocareless
- O: B( g, }3 r6 |9 c7 i. ^& Isc before a, o, or u is like sk in ask.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-17 13:54:14 | 显示全部楼层


ItalianEnglishascoltareto listenscuolaschoolpescapeachtascapockettoscanoTuscanscaloppinecutletsscarpashoesculturasculpturediscodisk; recordscopopurposesc before e or i is like the English sound sh in fish. 7 L+ W. `4 _+ D; {
ItalianEnglishfiniscefinishessciskipescefishconoscereto knowscenascenescendereto descenduscitaexitusciodoor+ }8 |: g+ J" P+ T/ M+ g4 D4 b
sch occurs only before e or i, and is pronounced like the English sk. % T8 c, }* P( j* L
ItalianEnglishpeschepeachestaschepocketsdischidisks; recordsscheletroskeletonfiaschiflaskslischefishbones
7 T0 B# {2 F2 _0 zt is approximately the same as in English, but no escaping of breath accompanies it in Italian.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-17 13:54:15 | 显示全部楼层


ItalianEnglishcontentogladcartapaperarteartmatitapencilturistatouristantipastoappetizertelefonotelephonetestaheadz is sometimes voiceless, like ts is bets.
7 t3 ^* Z8 m# `9 R+ CItalianEnglishpizzapizzanegoziostoremarzoMarchVeneziaVenicegraziethank youdizionariodictionary
% y% v& l8 u3 h9 Sz is sometimes voiced, like ds in beds.
! C4 V% g+ {8 A! L, T8 F' B1 W6 SItalianEnglishzerozerozebrazebrapranzolunchzelozealromanzonovelzanzaramosquito
# U; y4 N6 W+ YNote:
- |" V& z0 Z& M" uWhen ci, gi, and sci are followed by a, o, or u, unless the accent falls on the i, the i is not pronounced. The letter i merely indicates that c, g, and sc are pronounced, respectively, like the English ch, g (as in gem), and sh.
7 X% c$ s8 P0 ]9 [ItalianEnglisharanciaorangegiornalenewspaperciliegiacherryciaoso longsalsicciasausagecamiciashirtlasciareto leavescienzascience
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