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[意语基础] 意大利语介绍:重音

发表于 2012-8-17 13:54:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  意大利语重音介绍& |7 I# w, r+ L9 F+ p
  Stress / Accento Tonico
6 N! V9 Q) a% C, q5 R4 C4 X4 G* N  Usually, Italian words are stressed on the next?Cto?Cthe?Clast syllable.+ j, Q3 K. o' L+ i! j1 B
  amicofriendfoglialeafMilanoMilannipotenephewpadrefatherparlareto speaksignorinaMissstudiareto studytelefonareto telephoneuomoman
  u- g7 j9 Z( P5 \  l4 r$ ]) _  When the final ?Ce is dropped from a word, as happens with some masculine titles when they are directly followed by a proper name, the position of the stress remains unchanged.7 Z( ~0 w& j& I8 l
  dottoredoctordottor NardiDoctor Nardiprofessoreprofessorprofessor Paceprofessor Pace! m# x; c  @2 ]9 c, x4 k7 {
  When words are stressed on the last vowel, they always have a written accent over that vowel.
: v6 w0 h. D" ~* Z4 ]; p+ `  cioènamelycittàcityperchèbecauseperòhowevertassìtaxiuniversitàuniversityvenerdìFridayvirtùvirtue( ]) d  }& N& |' V! [
  It is useful to remember that open e and o occur only in stressed syllables.4 ^8 J- K5 P$ a
. D2 i- \6 l1 O2 M: y4 _9 a  Note: The written accent is used with a few monosyllables in order to distinguish them from others that have the same spelling but a different meaning.
2 D. P" Y. I% E* P3 N  dàgivesdafromèiseandlàtherelathe; it; hernénornesomeséhimself, herselfseifsìyessioneself

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