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[考试试题] 2012年外销员《外贸外语》综合习题及答案5(1)

发表于 2012-3-12 22:51:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Ⅰ、Translate the following:
9 j: @, X* K# p- _  q& p; I  A. From English into Chinese:5 q% k9 c1 j  T3 f9 s
* P) s" ?5 N( [3 E5 Q& t9 A  IMF" l6 @# J" w3 n
  Customs Invoice. o: t% {3 {3 p" e+ Q! }; _
  Counter Sample7 t1 d  F5 T0 @- E7 [8 A
  Voyage Charter0 ?2 P8 z$ h3 s
  Gross for Net1 @0 ^) x2 H* {. u5 Q
  Repayment Guarantee  @" n4 d, e9 e# U: j9 y9 a
  Optional port5 B  b) w/ q; Z. W/ @8 b- |- \
  Futures Trading
2 P# r% z# a% U& e/ Q5 R& p  B. Form Chinese into English:
; [/ E, L' J* n  n  1、银行汇票
3 A  {; w5 X5 Q8 J; Y5 [  N" N" N, g  ~+ w  2、互购
: B4 U! Q1 i( }% K0 ~+ X3 v( s* W7 k  _  3、外汇储备" j4 a8 i2 L! g6 N! I) h' u
  4、知识产权$ m6 ]; H. i' `* I& J
7 L; s/ B+ }! D8 j$ \4 G2 K4 O* H9 l. L  Ⅱ、Choose the best answer:
& |/ F* R2 ]/ O/ ^7 |. j2 O- a0 ~  1. We should be pleased to send you a sample ____ our own expense.
; D3 g/ [( a: C, z# l  A. at B. in C. against D. of
: H( o" R# H8 U* a1 a: ^+ g  2. Good harvest ____ this year has made it possible for us to supply walnuts last year‘s prices.  }4 E8 [. T, ~* S$ P0 X4 Y
  A. at B. in C. against D. on
; g2 r7 K: }  @: E# y7 X  n  3. Any alteration in design would mean re-setting our machines, and the cost of this would be prohibitive ____ you could place an order for more than 5,000.  S5 o7 _5 C& Q$ b+ m& `# L
  A. until B. with C. unless D. when
% w$ d" Q# S  M  c- d/ d4 A: \& g6 k  4. After studying our prices and our liberal terms, you will understand why we are working ____ capacity to meet the demand.
8 e0 M6 j8 ?8 y# g, k& J  A. on B. to C. for D. of
& _. n5 c7 f. E6 H0 e  5. Thank you for your remittance of US $ 2,150.00 ____ the 70% freight due under Invoice No.22B/96.
8 F, |8 b8 z) C  A. of paying B. pay for C. for payment for D. in payment of" m# o2 ^! ~+ q$ @& a; B
  6. It will be appreciated ____ you could effect shipment in two equal lots by direct steamer ____ you receive our L/C.
; D: m  l- P( h2 c7 A9 x/ C  A. when, when B. if, as soon as C. when, which D. will, soon
  |2 M! ]! ~2 W4 Y  7. "Virtual shops" may lack see-and-feel sampling, the phenomenal growth of catalogue shopping, TV-and-phone marketing and phone-banking in recent years is proof that see-and-feel is not the only way to sell.& A/ b2 {1 r8 ~0 s; P6 T
  A. While B. If that C. When D. Which4 J( _! S5 K1 W1 y( O+ s! n( r
  8. The goods were examined by a public surveyor upon arrival at your port, ____ we cannot but accept your claims as tendered." U+ T. D. e4 e# W7 {
  A. If B. Despite C. Though D. Since
! s; v8 R+ [* b! M* _% }# N% _, k( N  9. The discount of 5% agreed on was granted only ____ no balance was outstanding from previous account.
6 y/ }9 M9 \: z% C6 x0 o% a4 V  A. on condition B. on condition that C. that D. depends on
* F1 ]! _0 f, r  10. We can assure you that these suitings are very popular in the Far-East Markets, ____ we have had some experience.
' e% w5 k7 S  _  A. which B. that C. of which D. of that
. V( L' q( G/ ~6 t% K8 j4 N  11. In connection with your invitation ____ for Bid No.0082/95CH dated May 30,1996, the ____ would like to participate in the bid for the supply of Equipment Item No.0302 and the Qualifications Documents as required.
; e( m, O2 h3 P# H  A. undersign, submit B. undersigning, submitting C. undersingned, submit D.undersigned, submitted
' s0 r' u4 Q( ~3 ?6 e) K# B  12. We are confident that the package of our products will ____ the roughest handling in transit.( k( v3 l, Y1 [: n* H0 B+ ?
  A. stand up B. stand to C. suffer from D. stand9 I5 u! ^9 a* i& c  \* h7 q
  13. We regret having received your offer too late, because we ____ our needs elsewhere.% p: L- r5 w- I
  A. already cover B. already covered C. have already cover D. had already covered
) h, \$ g/ E( U; [  P4 B) r  14. In mass media, big advertising dollar rules. But by doing business on the Net, a small firm might ____ just as effectively through search engines." d& |6 g% M- s! M+ u
  A. get itself know B. get himself know C. get itself known D. get known himself
$ E" _) ]5 T8 _" Q' Y2 m  15. Please check the enclosed fax opening the credit to ensure that it ____ your instructions.  T6 T1 @- F( w9 D
  A. agrees B. agrees to C .agrees with D. agrees upon

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