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[考试试题] 2012年外销员《外贸外语》综合习题及答案5(2)

发表于 2012-3-12 22:51:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  16. Your L/C calls for an insurance amount for 130% of the invoice value. ____ We would request you to amend the insurance clause.
9 R) j( Z9 z9 X% i1 Q! q- m; Q  A. The Case Being it B. The case is like this C. Such being the case D. Such is the case
+ {6 k) P7 r3 q% B7 n; S2 W/ \  17. We are not in a position to offer firm, as the goods are ____.
* m9 l! g, K) y6 ]3 f+ K- D( T+ m  A. out of stock B. outside in stock C. without stock D. no stock3 h' K" N$ t0 }. ^" V* t6 F
  18. We are of course ___ the period for completion of your project has already been exceeded.( J2 ]% {* w9 U) G+ ^
  A. know it B. aware that C. to know of D. be sure that
4 [3 S/ o! i$ J# l5 B  19. We confirm ____ accepted your counter proposal yesterday.
  y2 M2 h7 y  g' x9 F5 c" I  A. have B. having C. to have D. has been- C: V8 h( x$ Q# i& C
  20. Since the premium varies with the extent of insurance, extra premium is for buyer‘s account, additional risks ____ be covered.  _2 E7 c& U! g) s+ W9 {
  A. if B. as C. must D. should0 ~& J8 U: V  F) v- D6 L6 x
  21. This agreement may be ____ six months before its expiry.
$ |0 W, Y* `5 P& h& k8 @  A. expanded B. renewed C. postponed D. prolonged
; ]: @9 n( Y$ N2 j  n  22. The bank on the buyer‘s side in collection arrangement is the ____.* E! l  _: U0 G% y- x7 P- h
  A. remitting bank B. collecting bank C. opening bank D. notifying bank
  j7 m3 h. s7 X3 ^5 M  23. Which of the four choices is NOT an appropriate response to the following sentence:" Do you mind opening the windows?" ____.  [1 m. @5 c/ y1 k8 B' ^+ n
  A. Surely not B. Not at all C. That‘s all right D. No, of course not
4 g- k* z$ x% j: ^! v; x  24. The purpose of a promotion letter is to ____ the prospective buyer‘s interest." v- `% t  t) T- ~, j
  A. attract B. arouse C. attend D. alter
0 r, q8 Q! s" z/ }: _( N  25. When you ___ an agent, the appointment is usually ____ in writing.
0 i7 q" W4 {+ q. ?, R: H% a8 T  A. need, met B. want, take C. appoint, made. D. require, make/ s6 J. P. z! K/ s5 B% D& ]
  Ⅲ。 Translate the following letter into English in a proper form:" W+ E; l! i, x( }: n, G
  纽约ABC贸易有限公司6 e0 b- u% ]- c8 m6 {
  敬启者:2 {, a9 ^) {& n, s' n3 F
  你方3月21日来函收到,从中我们遗憾地得悉你方认为我124号货定价偏高。你们也许知道,我们的商品在许多国家都深受。尽管目前供应有限,需求却在增加。如果将我们的商品与其它商品加以比较,相信你方会同意我们的价格是可行的。实际上,我们已将价格降至最低,并按此与其他买方大量成交。5 \4 o' h" B9 X
  如果你们同意将订货数量增至5,000箱,我们愿意将原报价再削减2%.灾是我们能做的最大限度,希望你们能接受。 如蒙早复,不胜感激。. C- W8 z0 b9 Y) F. i
  此致# g* t$ [! a' Z/ _3 C8 ^
7 w+ c2 T* o* g; T  m* ~4 D  中国。天津9 T3 J  T6 `3 v) w5 g
  1999年4月24日) P8 A/ u2 b7 ^/ K
  IV.Fill in the contract form in English with the particulars given in the following letters and/or telexes:6 t" U/ n/ v6 |0 s- A. F
  (1); e  D# a% F2 |7 A
  Incoming Letter
9 ?, ]( ~$ J/ N  Vancouver, July 25,1998
# r! Q& Y1 Y, r5 n* y' e  LI DU TEXTILE IMP.EXP CORP.,
) `' p' X: d) [$ v! ~+ |2 F1 ?  Beijing, China8 p& N! f/ K$ o# Y% R) L
) X) @3 y9 X7 S# b  Dear Sirs,
9 ~1 P- r8 S% B  A customer of our firm, who is one of the biggest importers in Canada, is in the subject commodity. We would therefore ask you to make us an offer as soon as possible.
, w& l% i: _% ^7 P/ B, |" o& q  When offering, kindly quote your lowest priced on the basis of CFR Vancouver including our commission of 3% with indication of colors, assortments, method of packing and any additional information you consider necessary. We shall appreciate it if you will arrange for shipment to be made as early as possible by direct steamer for Vancouver.
4 A$ Y$ h- w' }4 ]/ ~9 k' K  We are looking forward to receiving your offer.$ _" R% M5 {5 t3 Z0 ?
  Yours faithfully,
& M+ x( L8 |+ t% L1 [5 `+ v1 W  VANCOUVER TRADINC CO.,LTD.

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