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[考试辅导] 2012年外销员外贸外语辅导:中外经贸短文互译(二)

发表于 2012-3-12 23:18:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. j2 |+ W5 M% H7 @. {) @, B  外销员考试辅导:中外经贸短文互译
. `5 _; z' f2 X  u0 i  J" I  一、英译汉概要(二)
9 U5 c' n! i$ J9 X  (二)句子层面
+ k3 d6 \+ P4 Y; |  1、调整结构# x3 ~( @, O4 ~
  He spoke with understandable pride of his experience.. c1 M3 u7 q& M& W6 ]
. x8 c% ?% x1 v! b# G  2、加词解释
8 |5 \- G$ ?: ?+ H4 R. D8 |  (1)意义或修饰上增词' g0 J7 Z# Z# _  p+ ]" L1 U) }
  Enclosed is our latest catalogue.# r, l& |+ p4 P' N" @, y' }
  随函附上我们最新的商品目录。6 O* Z* i! m/ L/ g4 S4 Z
  Trade wars arise from a ruthless determination on the part of a company or country to capture the market.% B5 @' ^, w9 ~0 A" m; c, {
) K" X7 }7 n6 r' q+ Q  With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building socialism.
) i9 v7 j4 ^" R+ }# E  中国人民正在以多么高的热情建设社会主义呀!(增加了形容词“高的”)* J. g5 i! ]: t6 D
  This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine.* E4 T" l) ~  D1 A, F) X
2 O2 o" B5 U. F- w  The two countries cooperated militarily, politically and economically.( K# b5 q. p$ Q4 R* r( Y/ w
) A8 [* G' }; D  (2)句法上增词$ A  l/ M5 j4 _% k/ L
  Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man.3 S$ [" w* [( t) `: _+ ~
  读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确。(增加了省略的动词)2 g" j) ^1 z' Z3 Q
) c/ Y- C& T5 i" r9 A4 V  We live and learn.' |9 t- L% r) V+ F* ]3 G/ {* ?
  活到老,学到老。(省略了泛指人称代词we)$ R$ S3 P, T" D2 \. b6 M2 R
  汉语词语之间多是意合关系,而英语则是形合关系,因此英译汉时连词常省略。; b$ K9 T# ^5 f6 R2 O6 ]8 o( G+ D# K# A
  Practically all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.
+ h$ \) p- @5 M  C6 ^  实际上一切物质都是热胀冷缩的。(省略了时间连词when)
5 V# a4 u5 _- r9 @  一般来说,表示时间和地点的介词,译成汉语如出现在句首,大多可以省略不译。2 P# d/ f. ^$ [# i9 ^9 b* B5 f
  The People‘s Republic of China was founded in October, 1949.
0 b2 K' I  n) K4 j/ o! N2 ~  1949年10月中华人民共和国成立。(省略表时间的介词)
, i; T! b1 I& g9 n4 G  Smoking is not allowed in public places.! T4 e8 v+ P' ^1 ^$ D3 A
7 O3 \  D  u& l' n  4、重复& l- b' k+ m" T2 x5 G+ C  N9 x5 Z& ?
  Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration.' X6 l) F' Y! |8 _9 e/ l
0 }6 {+ c6 H6 ^+ S1 @8 j: u4 x  Reading exercises one‘s eyes; speaking, one’s tongue; while writing, one‘s mind.. H4 p& ]* k0 S1 f! @8 |5 N
3 u/ v* ~5 v. q! p9 L* k( J: k  He hated failure; he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, despised it in others.
+ i0 D8 ?+ p9 o  他讨厌失败,他一生中途曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且藐视别人的失败。(重复代词代替的名词)- i' d# R7 f7 k& M3 B. p
  Wherever oppressions existed, there would be resistance.
; n8 m" r4 e2 z; S( O; v  哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。(重复wherever等关系代词和副词)# f+ E- c1 \1 _) ]$ ~  R
4 Z0 T* N1 ?$ Z$ p% B4 r  The two sides said they keep mum over the deal because it was only tentative.5 x, L' h% k( D+ w# {% v7 ^, I
( z7 g8 |6 t/ p# v# v  We may safely say so.* k& s) K! g8 v6 g
  我们这样说万无一失。6 H- H! _$ p/ H6 Z" L9 y8 Y
  It was beyond his power to sign such a contract.
$ ?& t& M7 C1 ]' g# z5 Z5 {  他无权签订这种合同。4 O( ]* `/ C+ N+ s' m3 e
  The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanations.6 ^& X' }) M4 S8 C! J) |; B
  虽然他一再解释,疑团仍然存在。6 j& J( f0 {! m( V* e) i$ Q/ K6 {9 M
  All the articles are untouchable in the museum.$ @" M0 h" j- A
  博物馆内一切展品禁止触摸。9 A) L: Z, u: s; e( M! u% f
  6、被动语态. X( i3 R& Z5 [
  I was told that there is something wrong with the new order .
5 I" X+ K5 }/ h3 `, R; d) U, c  我听说新定单出了点问题。
8 ?$ L% d. e/ N: a  Government involvement is generally considered to be detrimental to competition and the optimal allocation of the factors of production.! {' y( F0 ?% w  w* v

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