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[考试辅导] 2012年外销员外贸外语辅导:中外经贸短文互译(六)

发表于 2012-3-12 23:18:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# y) N! {& W+ c  X  外销员考试辅导:中外经贸短文互译0 m6 ~* ?0 `" g9 A
& i/ F3 B+ z' R3 I9 ?  原文1 R% e; k  A9 f* S4 Q+ C0 j, a
  APEC was established in 1989 in response to the growing interdependence among Asia-Pacific economies. Begun as an informal dialogue group, APEC has since become the primary regional vehicle (for promoting open trade and practical economic cooperation) in the Asia-Pacific region. Its goal is to advance Asia-Pacific dynamism and a sense of community. APEC member economies represent the rich diversity of the region as well offering differing levels of economic development.
8 E7 R4 D, [  A. W0 G  参考译文
- x; Z1 O+ P% b$ A* a- o  x  为了适应亚太地区经济相互依赖程度的日益加深,亚太经合组织于1989年成立。亚太经合组织最初只是一个非正式对话团体,后来发展成为亚洲太平洋地区(促进贸易开放、促进经济合作的)一个重要区域性组织。该组织的目标是激发本地区活力并使各成员国对该地区具有一种归属感。亚太经合组织各成员国之间的经济极富多样性,发展水平也各不相同。
! l- D9 |" ^5 g  说明:# ]% X5 Y, R" c1 g. A( e
  (1)in response to是介词短语,“对……作出反应、响应”。
* R) ]. X. `: j! I6 d* j$ F, C  (2)Interdependence意为“相互依赖”。5 {( v2 Z/ Q: P0 G
  (3)APEC has since become the primary regional2 h# P  s) W" a. z" ]% f
: N8 L2 x5 g, e2 Q4 H; o8 s# `- z  (4)Advance意为“前进、促进”,这里翻译为“激发。”

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