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[考试辅导] 2011外销员考试外贸英语英译汉练习(六)

发表于 2012-3-12 23:18:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 m* Q: _4 K* e$ C2 \3 t4 P4 g  Reform of China‘s trade regime had four major dimensions: increasing the number and type of enterprises (eligible to trade in particular commodities); developing the indirect trade policy instruments (that were absent or unimportant under the planning system); reducing and ultimately removing the exchange rate distortion; and reforming prices/ so that they could play a role in guiding resource allocation. These reforms of the trading system were inextricably linked with reform of the enterprise sector to allow indirect regulation through market-determined prices to replace direct regulation of enterprise output through the planning system.* Z# A0 k7 q- l# p* l, @# V
* V" R" y- P% \: W' q- k7 Q) {$ l  中国的贸易体制改革涉及四个主要方面:增加经营特殊商品企业的数量和类别;拓展在计划经济体制下几乎不起任何作用的间接贸易政策手段;减少乃至最终消除汇率干扰以及实行价格体系改革以使其在资源配置中发挥作用。与贸易体制相关的这些改革与企业界的改革密切相关,目标是通过市场价格实行间接管理,从而取代计划经济体制下对企业产出的直接管理。
" O4 I9 ?/ W' W; m" T3 [& q) @  说明:6 T, ]* z$ g1 W, y' E; L$ I# ^# I
  (1)dimensions的意思是“方面,因素”。eligible的意思是“符合条件的,合格的”,如:eligible for promotion/ membership有资格升级(成为会员)。Trade in意为“做生意,从事贸易”。
' T/ \+ Z& E7 ^( _; v/ |- A  (2)that were absent or unimportant under the planning system为定语从句,修饰the indirect trade policy instruments,翻译为“在计划经济体制下几乎不起任何作用的”。2 Y, [% ^5 e2 F4 }2 y
  (3)play a role in意为“在……中发挥作用”。inextricably意为“不能解决的,解不开的”。Be linked to/ with意为“与……相联系”,如:Rock music has often been linked with the drug culture.( G3 l" ^! [9 H' U+ x: ]$ i7 X, G4 [
  (4)to allow indirect regulation through market-determined prices表示第一个目的;to replace direct regulation of enterprise output through the planning system表示第二个目的。

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