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[考试辅导] 2011外销员考试技巧二十一世纪写好合同的五十招(7)

发表于 2012-3-12 23:18:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  为了帮助考生系统的复习外销员课程,全面的了解外销员考试的相关重点,小编特编辑汇总了2011年外销员考试相关资料,希望对您参加本次考试有所帮助!7 K8 l- `9 o" q/ v9 l  T
  22. Don't say "Lessor" and "Lessee." These are bad nicknames for a lease because they are easily reversed or mistyped. Use "Landlord" and "Tenant" instead. The same applies to lienor and lienee, mortgagor and mortgagee, grantor and grantee, licensor and licensee, party A and party B. This is where you can use your creativity to come up with a different nickname for a party, as long as you use it consistently throughout the contract.# w$ {& t( t  l# A$ F2 g. r+ e
# u, z' `) z6 M2 u  23. Watch out when using "herein." Does "wherever used herein" mean anywhere in the contract or anywhere in the paragraph? Clarify this ambiguity if it matters.9 [: H- ~4 }) [2 }
  23.使用术语“本文(herein,也可译为”“在这里”)时要当心。为了避免含糊不清,使用“本文”时最好特别申明一下“本文”是指整个合同,还是指其所在的某一段落。/ @+ K6 W# X; ?% `
  24. Write numbers as both words and numerals: ten (10)。 This will reduce the chance for errors.
" E9 J  z, ?9 S9 D) ^+ d, {* i  24.写数目时要文字和阿拉伯数字并用,如:拾(10)。这将减少一些不经意的错误。2 ]8 l% I+ j6 E$ R; }3 s5 y
  25. When you write "including" consider adding "but not limited to." Unless you intend the list to be all-inclusive, you had better clarify your intent that it is merely an example.& f& a: }& W" \* o6 A
  25.如果你想用"包括"这个词,就要考虑在其后加上"但不限于……"的分句。除非你能够列出所有被包括的项,否则最好用"但不限于……"的分句,来说明你只是想举个例子。! c0 M( n1 Z7 ?: H) N$ r0 n4 L
  26. Don't rely on the rules of grammar. The rules of grammar that you learned in school are not universal. The judge or jury interpreting the meaning of your contract may have learned different rules. Write the contract so that no matter what rules they learned, the contract is clear and unambiguous. Follow this test for clear writing: Remove all periods and commas, then read it. Choosing the right words and placing them in the right place makes the writing clear without punctuation.
, R- ~% {' W% d" A3 O; M  26.不要依赖于语法规则。那些你在学校里得到的语法规则并不是放之四海而皆准的东西,因为有权力来解释此合同的法官或陪审团成员学的语法规则可能和你学的不一样,但不管学的是什么规则,撰写合同都要遵循一个基本原则:简洁、明确。检测你写的东西是否达到这个要求有个好办法,那就是去掉所有的句号和逗号,然后去读它。在没有标点符号的情况下,选择正确的词语放在正确的位置上,这将使你写出来的东西更简明,更流畅。
; _8 N' J8 ?0 c, Z3 B  27. Don't be creative with words. Contract writing is not creative writing and is not meant to provoke reflective thoughts or controversies about nuances of meaning. Contract writing is clear, direct and precise. Therefore, use common words and common meanings. Write for the common man and the common woman.: J: V) g8 w6 t& b$ J0 r5 m+ K
  27.不要创造词语。合同文书不是创造性的作品,也就不能因为意思的细微差别而引起思考或争论。合同文书应该是清晰、直接而准确的。因此,要使用普通的词语,表达普通的意思,为普通人撰写合同。& ]6 X( @9 b" Z) n/ y- H! |' j3 x  o
  28. Be consistent in using words. If you refer to the subject matter of a sales contract as "goods" use that term throughout the contract; do not alternately call them "goods" and "items." Maintaining consistency is more important than avoiding repetition. Don't worry about putting the reader to sleep; worry about the opposing lawyer a year from now hunting for ambiguities to get your contract into court.
1 z% t$ N6 i- P- _1 _- f  28.用词一致。在一份销售合同中,如果你想用“货物”来指整个合同的标的物,就不要时而称它们为“货物”,时而又改称它们为“产品”。保持用词一致性比避免重复更加重要。不要担心这会让读者打瞌睡;你应该提防的是对方律师会因为含糊不清的合同而将你告上法庭。

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