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[考试试题] 2011年单证员考试复习阶段练习题(14)

发表于 2012-3-14 15:27:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  为了帮助考生系统的复习单证员考试课程 全面的了解单证员考试的相关重点,小编特编辑汇总了2011年单证员考试相关资料,希望对您参加本次考试有所帮助!
8 B, x0 H, O6 Z& J6 z  answers.
* V9 R+ d5 `0 P- V& ^' {& v  I . Please fill in the blanks with appropriate answers.
, M; C! C' ]2 P: ?& e  1. documents against payment, documents against acceptance
* e# i* k4 f, g- y  J5 K  2. bill of exchange1 [1 t8 E; w* J* b& R# c
  3. Letter of credit0 s0 V% t$ b# }1 M. m+ N
  4. bill of lading; G" @' x2 b) ^2 ~! F& i5 I
  5.  documents, documents
0 }5 \- l6 a( Y  Q7 W  6. consignor
# W4 K" r6 r: O) V* L  K) m  7. customs declaration
! m5 e: c' }. U: m) C, G; L& V  8. delivered ex quay, B( Y% ^& m" [& F$ Z; h: L6 ?
  9. confirming! Z3 Z/ {  A) R8 Q% B
  10. vessel, dangerous goods
3 {( E' j  g2 w; R  Ⅱ。True or False questions.
1 k% s7 S9 \& y6 A+ l4 V  1. √2. x3. √4. √5 . x6. x7. x8. √9. √10.√7 L# d( y" |( T3 \3 P
  III. Multiple choice questions (Of following questions, there is only one correct answer to each question. Please select the correct answer)。
7 {1 T8 K% \: [$ g% N  15 B C C A B
8 {+ R+ w& r: P' s1 e/ x  610 D A C D B
7 j; c1 ]6 W! E; z; R, G  11-15 D A C B D
( j" E  \; r7 \- [& N  x9 e  16-20 A C D B D
0 b2 t' A( `( w6 e: G6 ]& I& V  21-25 D C A A D
6 @. l& g  v1 u$ s% I  26-30 A B B B C0 v9 l+ g" k+ r! ^* Y: E
  31-35 B D B C C
5 U/ X5 N! B6 v4 U$ S  36-40 A A D B D7 p* b+ Q2 _! n  J8 ^. D
  IV. Multiple choice questions of  following questions, there are more than one correct answers to each question. Please select the correct answers.
. y5 N& w3 I  q+ c" P; |" h  1. C,D2. A, B, C3. A,C, D4. A,B,D5. A,B6. B,C7. B,C,D8. B,C9. B, D- j7 V# i! |" d: Q+ N$ {
  10. B, D11. B, D12. A, B,C13. A, B, D14. A, B, D15. B, C, D16. A, B, D

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