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[考试辅导] 2011年报检员考试辅导:基础英语复习资料(2)

发表于 2012-3-14 16:01:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 o' E8 x  }* w5 y9 ?: r% g; `  报检员考试辅导:基础英语复习资料
" ?, |6 m, O+ ^$ P+ T  opening bank(开证行)' ~. W, Z: g( G5 \9 w
  Certificate of Quality(品质证书)
0 v2 r( v4 r) N2 M9 Q" \2 i' _  Certificate of Weight(重量证书)
, @; M+ M3 k4 r* D- f  Certificate of Quantity(数量证书)
5 A0 P# R( |6 {6 C, y5 j  Certificate of packing(包装证书)
' s' _0 T# r: ?3 V; u  Certificate of Health(健康证书)
8 H8 E* I2 B  B  Certificate of Quarantine(检疫证书)* Z" @) p8 [4 \* n3 M- E: @' `
  Veterinary Certificate(兽医证书)
" j) E# v( B& _7 z+ \  Sanitary Certificate(卫生证书)0 J& `) Z6 w: {* i2 l3 B
  Certificate of Origin(产地证书)6 ~1 f, h. C0 H
  Certificate of Fumigation(熏蒸证书)9 {9 j: w1 ^: ]& ]3 ]* C# C
  Fumigation / Disinfection Certificate(熏蒸/消毒证书)0 m3 M. K: A6 A0 U# k. W4 D$ q  V
  Animal Health Certificate(动物卫生证书)
. Z  l2 c  s& n4 _  Phytosanitary Certificate(植物检疫证书)' e3 H7 k; T2 g' w  v7 }+ R$ Q' L
  Phytosanitary Certificate For Re - export(植物转口检疫证书)6 O" _9 z5 s, h% I
  Sanitary Certificate For Conveyance(交通工具卫生证书)& u* r  a- P7 _/ y
  Quarantine Certificate For Conveyance(运输工具检疫证书)4 H* C' X2 V; C! z
  Veterinary Health Certificate(兽医卫生证书)+ @( [  {* {/ @  ~
  Consignee(收货人) consignor(发货人)8 x6 S7 B1 @! f. o# Q5 s' f+ v
  Description of goods(货物名称)
' h% L3 Q+ }; V8 w( b: E  Quantity / weight declared(报检数/重量)
+ O8 T7 ~5 Q. |* g& V+ m  Contract No.(合同号) Invoice No.(发票号)4 K  R; T+ v+ b1 I( a% O
  Place of arrival(到货地点)! W; W" d$ h! \5 d
  means of Conveyance(运输工具)
# S$ a5 y' ~5 k6 j  j  Date of arrival (到货时间)
1 [* i& n% P2 W. Z0 P3 \  B/L or Way Bill No.(提单或运单号)
9 U0 H! w4 I9 w9 U% i1 @8 q/ l7 {5 m1 c' ]  Place of despatch(启运口岸)2 w: n0 u0 T5 N7 v& P) a+ ?
  port of destination(到达口岸)) I  g/ ]: I5 H; c5 f) v) S6 c$ N; f
  Date of completion of discharge(卸货日期)
$ V- d( K$ O  q8 j: O; G0 v* u  Mark & No.(标签及号码)# ~6 N" l/ W) B4 Y! B9 k
+ a, s' u5 {2 I, f- s5 [: k3 c. g  Name and No. of Conveyance(运输工具名称及号码)
4 w$ [0 n( E& t$ M% ?- A4 J3 ^  Port of despatch(启运口岸)
9 N1 T2 C) n5 B4 w  port of destination(到达口岸)! t% W0 B2 t4 s! Q8 W% i6 f+ K
  Date of arrival / departure(到达/离境日期). `2 E0 w# k5 ^  D' g
  Name and address of consignor(发货人名称及地址)& \9 e0 O* ]# k& F  C9 l+ H
  Name and address of consignee(收货人名称及地址)+ w: \8 q% t4 ]" O& [
  Number and type of packages(包装种类及数量)% i, q! l; ^' s3 C# ?& Q
  Document(单据)6 R5 Y9 x$ L7 J9 l4 m
! W( ~9 E* k6 U  z' ~) N% x+ [  bank(银行)
8 q4 ]9 X$ U8 H  Importer(进口商)
8 }0 I8 z! H5 b+ z; z7 J8 e& M  exporter(出口商)
* {7 l% B& [. B0 j: Q: A  trade mark(商标)
- c6 R6 D+ T5 M7 n) o  Container(集装箱)2 R0 v; B3 i" D8 ~: Y9 C
  vessel(船): U" \1 U+ [" c
  to order(待指定)
0 H7 _3 ^7 _8 `  Plastic drum(塑料桶)

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