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[考试辅导] 2011年报检员考试辅导:基础英语复习资料(13)

发表于 2012-3-14 16:01:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  为了帮助考生系统的复习2011年报检员考试课程全面的了解报检员考试教材的相关重点,小编特编辑汇总了2011年报检员考试辅导资料,希望对您参加本次考试有所帮助!6 z% Q! G* S, M& _& @. G" p1 p% D
; |$ H2 F. l" B2 `, I3 a- U; C  Look at this contract. 请看这份合同。# y% q6 R# A: S( w1 U. a
  These are two originals of the contract we prepared. 这是我们准备好的两份合同正本。
  J' g" V! o9 B" s8 Z" t  We enclose our sales contract No.45 in duplicate. 附上我们第45号销售合同一式两份。3 q3 N+ {# ~9 ?0 K4 z0 N+ w0 p
  The copy of our contract will be returned. 合同的副本将被归还。+ x( A9 q  H8 \  E: w, j
  This contract is for 250 metric tons of groundnuts at RMB1800 per M/T C&F Copenhagen. 这是一份250吨花生的合同,价格为每公吨哥本哈根成本加运费价1800元。 May I refer you to Article 5 of the General Terms and Conditions of the contract? 请您看看合同一般条款的第五条。$ o9 i: V; n( h" d
  May I refer you to the contract stipulation about packing (or shipping……)? 请您看看合同中有关包装(装运)的规定。
& O3 d0 q( s+ C+ o1 M  You must state the description of the goods, the quantity and the unit price in each contract. 每笔合同中都应该提到的商品的性能说明、数量和单价。
" [; w: b) a# |  What are the main clauses in the contract? 合同中的主要条款有哪些?0 n4 |/ ^  z. z" @. L4 b
  There is an arbitration clause in the contract. (or insurance clause, inspection clause, shipping clause……) 这是合同中的一项仲裁条款。(或:保险条款,检验条款,装运条款等)
) |! ]4 m% N# v% |$ i  C  Payment terms are important in a contract too, aren't they? 合同中的付款条件也很重要,对吗?. k% g  i; S6 I2 O1 S8 A5 I
  We ship our goods in accordance with the terms of the contract. 我们按合同条款交货。
& i; D2 w5 l9 q  I'm sure that shipment will be effected according to the contract stipulation. 我保证我们能按合同规定如期装船。
) a$ {' a, B# g3 G" t$ v  We sincerely hope that both quality and quantity are in conformity with the contract stipulations. 我们真诚希望质量、数量都与合同规定相吻合。* s, r% i. D- H6 U
  All terms and conditions will be the same as those in your previous contract number C70064. 所有条款与我们过去签的第C70064号合同规定的各项条款相同。8 f9 C# v& D* i1 `& }4 C9 r2 Z
  The contract states that the supplier will be charged a penalty if there is a delay in delivery. 合同规定如果供货商延误交货期,将被罚款。
! _) }+ O. t7 k! z5 ^  When the goods aren't up to specification stated in the contract, there is also a penalty for poor quality. 如果所交货物与合同所规定规格不符,还有品质恶劣罚款。# w- g1 t$ `9 X0 z9 k+ [0 ]6 J
  Words and Phrases contract terms (or contract clause) 合同条款
1 Y5 r. E" X& c, o  contract provisions/stipulations 合同规定* q2 s( P* p: m$ c7 v& m
  contract period (or contract term) 合同期限2 ?6 ~& g- h! N6 H2 a& [
  contract life 合同有效期0 y: E9 P8 t9 {
  to be stipulated in the contract 在合同中予以规定1 I- X) o% {+ l: N: G5 k: z
  to be laid down in the contract 在合同中列明

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