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[考试辅导] 2011年报检员考试报检英语精华试题及答案第五套

发表于 2012-3-14 16:01:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  基础英语单项选择题(请在下列各题的答案选项中选出最合适的答案,请将正确选项的代码填人括号内)9 r, u( e, J; _( r# C
  1.We refuse to( )the goods for its poor quality.[2005年第二次考试真题], W' O9 L! T7 s: r: s; [
  A.accept B.accepted C.be accepted D.have accepted
5 }  H* l! P/ Q: u6 S2 O  「答案」A
/ h  x6 I* m  O  2.“The goods are in nude.”means( )。[2005年第一次考试真题]6 a7 I3 M6 A9 A% c
  A.The goods are packed with wooden box, j, j; Q# {- C" e: `
  B.The goods are packed with iron box  R4 y4 D! S# {/ l; k+ X
  C.No basket is used for the goods
# R- H! P/ K8 Q! F: d1 I. t! u  D.No package is used for the goods
& i( ^3 B, I9 i7 k( b: {& x, s4 B  「答案」D
) A4 `% D/ }: l& Y. n6 K  「解析」“nude”表示“裸体的”、“未加装饰的”。  ?. b+ w0 @. P- Q1 |
  3.“This certificate is valid for six months from the date of issue”,最确切的翻译是( )。
- m4 S7 p, Y$ i! N8 A8 M" r1 Q  [2005年第一次考试真题]
+ y5 h! A+ I) L; K+ U. R  A.本证书自即日起,有效期为6个月7 Y3 b2 D9 h+ `0 q, ~( r
" B6 g: w7 l! k/ U2 t, H  \# V  C.本证书自签发之日起,有效期为6个月# O7 }! k* a5 O3 C4 @3 x4 D
% [4 P' x2 `) Q8 c3 W  「答案」c
- \, d3 S0 M  L4 F  「解析」“issue”表示为“签发”。& Z/ X; F7 ?" q9 M
  4.All the imported goods should comply( )the requirements of CIQ.[2005年第一次考试真题]1 _: v3 S- y' U) l3 h9 l
  A.with B.from C.by  D.for
1 j- M7 K2 G! N  「答案」A% x  ~& _* L0 }5 Z; E0 ?: l
  5.( )can be issued by the entry—exit inspection and quarantine authorities of the P.R.of China.3 l9 ]/ @' W  n
  A.B/L B.Certificate of Origin C.L/C D.Packing List
; x! A6 w! T: d$ x+ W  「答案」B, B, E9 z- ?1 j2 z! v. }
  「解析」“Certificate of Origin”为原产地证书。) u- [' a! r4 O# I
  6.The seller should lodge any claim for this consignment against the sellers( )30 days ( )arrival of the goods.8 g8 K  f# A0 D$ w- j% K. p
  A.within,in B.within,after C.after,in D.after,on) V3 v2 F$ t0 \% V. v3 F% o
  「答案」B" e3 q; l2 ~- D( J" c5 Y% s
  7.The quality of the goods we have received is not as good as the( )you presented.* T! |- H9 }( A3 C& X6 d
  A.sample B.example C.for example D.gift8 E. T* l# ?' m; d
2 l  O$ j* Y/ q  「解析」“sample”表示样品。  B0 Y% P$ W' i. H3 y: [
  8.Since( )were used in the cargo,a Phytosanitary Certificate should be provided.
7 @1 L  a7 L3 `8 q3 |  H+ n  A.wooden packages B.cartons C.plastic packages D.jumbo bags. T% Z4 V0 B9 P
$ {8 O! K, G1 o5 b" L! e( H  「解析」“Phytosanitary Certificate”为植物检疫证书。

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