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[考试辅导] 2012年报检员英语学习指导句式二十一

发表于 2012-3-14 16:01:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Free from Particular Average is good enough.
! @) f6 d1 e# F( _% G. z7 Q  只保平安险就可以了。! g4 V0 G; S4 ~1 i0 o5 @8 N2 X
  The goods are to be insured F.P.A." G* l4 S) A4 S- `& J5 ~
+ \% h4 l/ t8 q$ B  What you've covered is Leakage.
6 `) e; c& D/ A# ^$ _1 R  你所投保的是渗漏险。1 M4 \2 k, t6 L; {6 w
  Why don't you wish to cover Risk of Breakage?. x3 h% B* C  ?+ N& b/ ^$ @
  您为什么不想投保破碎险呢?" @8 s' D  s/ m
  W.P.A coverage is too narrow for a shipment of this nature,please extend the coverage to include TPND.
  a% L% e4 J- C  Y7 a9 u  针对这种性质的货物只保水渍险是不够的,请加保偷盗提货不成险。

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