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[考试辅导] 2011年报检员考试备考资料04

发表于 2012-3-14 16:01:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  如果你们产品的质量使我们满意,我们将不断订货。8 w# T, b8 E6 J0 F2 Y! B. @
  If the quality of your initial shipment is found satisfactory,large repeats will follow.
9 M3 }" X4 E" f  如果贵方第一批运来的货令人满意,随后将有大批续订。
& M! E/ d- a/ C4 F6 v( f  There is no marked qualitative difference between the two.) t% I4 k' K% k! ~' [* M) }
  两者在质量上无显着差异。+ G. ]1 C: y9 [* j; ~* B
  We sincerely hope the quality are in conformity with the contract stipulations.2 y# \, f& ]. r% K
  我们真诚希望质量与合同规定相符。2 F: C" \0 V' w  M* \, G
  As long as the quality is good,it hardly matters if the price is a little bit higher.0 f$ K& |( ]: u) r4 U- l
  只要能保证质量,售价高点都无所谓。* |, g1 `/ b/ d5 n& P' }0 I. \% R9 M
  Prices are fixed according to their quality,aren‘t they?# w. C/ l- l2 I: L  E3 k, L# ?
; M+ G4 J$ R, i& q  {, L  The transferee must see to it that the quality of the product is maintained.
/ L: W" ]" E/ ^) w+ `  接受转让一方要负责保持产品的质量。
3 n3 ^5 Y* B' S% w6 q5 a/ f5 L' e  Our Certificate of Quality is made valid by means of the official seal.4 N1 k; @4 ^" F9 [% ]6 ?0 y  g

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