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[货代试题] 2012年国际货代考试(货代英语)复习题及答案3

发表于 2012-3-17 14:18:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* T( }! R5 p# I  1. The booking note is issued by the ____ requesting allocation of shipment space. (C)+ l* e" c+ x2 Q9 K3 T
  A. carrier to the agent B. carrier to the shipper C. shipper to the carrier D. carrier to consignee% z7 C( N/ A5 E3 @. i( q
  2. AN NVOCC is a (n) ____ who operates regular scheduled services. (B)
9 o4 y6 d6 r. X3 u' U  A. shipper B. carrier C. receiver D. charterer8 J1 j/ |1 Z; ?) i8 I' a, j
  3. To the actual shipper, the NVOCC is a ____ while to the actual carrier, he is a ___. (B)% S' F: q5 u6 H
  A. actual carrier……carrier B. carrier……shipper C. shipper……carrier D. carrier……consignee1 P) ^: I  A7 r- T5 X! Z
  4. The ____ is issued by the shipper to the carrier requesting allocation of shipment space. (C)
% N5 ^7 `. g+ s" Y  A. cargo manifest B. mate‘s receipt C. booking note D. delivery order1 I: F! ?$ t3 L+ p8 c1 l8 l/ [) Z
  5. Which of the following documents can be issued by a carrier _____? (ABD)
) A$ C% k, X' d2 ~. z5 ?  A. bill of lading B. mate‘s receipt C. booking note D. delivery order
) K7 @! x: `3 \& D: _  6. When the goods arrives at the port of destination, the_____ issues an Arrival Notice informing the notify party of the cargo discharge point and other information. (B)$ C4 D! U1 j2 D! c
  A. shipper B. carrier C. receiver D. consignee
- i, n; M5 k1 _' s  7. All bills of lading should be signed either the___ or____. (D)& T& u- ?4 I" X6 f
  A. notify party……carrier B. carrier……shipper C. consignor……consignee D. carrier……his agent. z; S' s  i$ Z7 ]  P
  8. A document signed by the Chief Office acknowledging the receipt of cargo on board ship, and later exchanged for a B/L is called______. (B)
! x! O0 V& r8 Z  A. sea waybill B. mate‘s receipt C. booking note D. delivery order
% f& w  [0 `0 r3 h0 d, e$ P' m& H  9. Which of the following descriptions are true about NVOCC_____? (ACD)
- X( V, ^- h3 y( p3 O7 F+ L  A. he operates a regular scheduled service
5 e! y" X2 Q9 y* n3 I) n8 U8 X  B. he owns or operates the vessel/ N1 X9 |6 R4 ?( D5 W" z% T5 M
  C. he provides a useful service by providing groupage or consolidation services7 P% A5 ^+ a1 H1 b( T' q  d$ _
  D. he assumes double roles relationship with carrier and shipper

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