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[货代试题] 2012年国际货代考试(货代英语)复习题及答案5

发表于 2012-3-17 14:18:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. Which of the following costs are payable by the charterer under a time charter party. (C)
7 }, E& S% D/ ^1 D& \  n  A. capital cost and demurrage
7 \8 s1 I+ X9 {) C( i8 E) l2 {7 w# V  B. hull insurance and port charges/ k! T: _1 k3 f2 {1 \; C, x
  C. port charges and bunker costs) y* m2 B+ D9 x$ h; }9 H. v0 o
  D. wages of crew and hull insurance
& l0 v) I! ?1 v1 q( l3 ?" \& t  u  2. Laytime and demurrage clauses normally appeared in the____ Charter Party. (B)
8 h1 P+ _2 o- l8 f% @7 [0 W  A. time B. voyage C. bareboat D.TCT
# `0 h) s+ h, `9 h# P5 [  3. Which of the following costs are payable by the ship-owner under a time charter party? (C)
- j. b3 O  a/ {/ S# G7 Q1 f2 u: G7 {  A. bunker costs B. loading costs C. hull insurance D. port charges8 n- s6 z5 f, W% X8 H2 M
  4. TCT means that the charterer employs a vessel on the basis of____ for one or two voyages. (A)# J8 S) i" s# y# S
  A. time chartering B. voyage chartering C. bareboat chartering D.COA( W( y: B2 \5 x. j% l+ w. ?
  5. In which of the following chartering, the vessel is completely put at the disposal of the charterer without any crew______. (C)! m, P. c9 }, A# E6 {
  A. time B. voyage C. bareboat D.TCT

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