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[货代试题] 2012年国际贷运代理考试考突破练习57

发表于 2012-3-17 14:18:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  26.  One of the advantages in multimodal transport is to minimize time loss at transshipment point.( A )% o9 M, A7 [% C+ O% I
  27.  The primary objective of information flow management is to reconcile differentials of different movement requirements within individual logistics areas, to improve overall supply chain performance.( A )
$ W2 F; _, T/ p, W( }  28.  The figure like 1/10/2005 in British English will be understood as January 10, 2005, while in American English will be understood as October 1, 2005.( B )# b9 X7 W. Y8 X4 D! y/ f( u3 T
  29.  E-business not only involves exchanges among customers, business partners and the vendor, but also includes operations that handled within the business itself.(A)2 u8 H7 u# }* m
  30.  Usually, an Air Waybill is non-negotiable, that is, the goods must be sent to the consignee titled in the Air Waybill.( A )

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