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[复习资料] 2012年成考高起点英语复习指导:分词误用

发表于 2012-6-25 15:37:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 L8 _; X4 X0 e* m  (误)He had his hair to be cut.1 e  O8 x6 ]/ ^8 d% N/ I
  (正)He had his hair cut.(have,get+宾语+过去分词表示使…被。)
5 c( N9 R' l7 ^* U" w& `  2.中文:他喜欢喝凉开水。
! u, K' t8 K! c0 {% h' H5 {. I! k: b8 |  (误)He likes to drink boiling water.0 X7 r) v# j8 \+ ~+ f* J; q
  (正)He likes to drink boiled water.(现在分词表示主动,boiling water指正在沸腾的水;过去分词表示完成,boiled water指沸腾过的水。)/ e- I& V* o$ a8 Y4 k
$ B9 Y4 Q  w+ E  (误)He looked tiring with cooking.9 |, I0 a! A* ^' g+ N6 C
  (正)He looked tired with cooking.(tiring表示令人疲倦的,tired表示人被弄疲倦了。)
/ X" g6 g9 z% L4 W( m9 v5 }: I  4.中文:我不能让别人明白我的意思。
/ _$ o! L) G7 v- l  {9 M  (误)I couldn't make myself understand.
. q* {4 b% U+ L4 `" J3 ?6 n  (正)I couldn't make myself understood.(过去分词表示被动,make myself understood表示使我被别人明白。)3 G% ^" S' v/ X- B
  5.中文:昨天早上我上学时见到了我的一个朋友。% g/ K" m# ~+ v" n# \" ?
  (误)I was walking to school yesterday morning, I met a friend of mine.
( u4 c2 L" |) s1 h% U; F  (正)Walking to school yesterday morning, I met a friend of mine.(前一句如作时间从句缺连词,后一句分词构句表时间。)
5 V' N1 C9 p" n. P3 B  6.中文:假期结束了,约翰返回了学校。: Z4 q3 w( g( \, X) c7 s
  (误)The vacation was over, John returned to school." a: c5 b# ]8 D  @+ o0 U7 x* i
  (正)The vacation being over, John returned to school.(前一句如作时间从句缺连词,后一句独立分词构句表时间。)
8 ~9 x; S8 y0 u$ i* P  7.中文:戴帽子的工人躺在地上。
4 @0 a3 l- O, c2 p# X  b* E# z) r: u  (误)The workman worn a hat is lying on the ground.8 H" P' V$ K7 O' u2 l
  (正)The workman wearing a hat is lying on the ground.(带帽子是主动行动,要用现在分词wearing a hat表示。)6 x9 w5 A2 ^0 }
7 q/ `& s* P; ~% n0 W  (误)The little girl stood there cried.
6 C# X9 W+ q8 a( s% t/ x; K: A  (正)The little girl stood there crying.(哭是主语the little girl发出的行动,要用现在分词crying表示。)$ C8 ^. ~0 A0 z4 B" f
: A" @- C+ l8 h; q+ {4 g  d. Q5 J, P  (误)Being fine, we'll go outing today.
: |5 L" S. |: r6 }  (正)It being fine, we'll go outing today.(前一句错在分词构句所表示的动作不是主句的主语发出的;后一句加上表示气候的It作逻辑主语,构成独立分词构句表原因。)

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