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[复习资料] 2012年成人高考高起点英语被动语态误用辨析

发表于 2012-6-25 15:37:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 b- e/ }4 M! L# O# ^  (误)I shouldn't do that if I was you.
& ~5 C# M0 g0 e1 g( T8 \. v  (正)I shouldn't do that if I were you.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气不能用was,只能用were.)7 }0 m9 f+ v3 z" ^
/ d* S: J5 w' w) x  (误)If my father were here now, he will tell me what to do.0 n' a0 `6 @" b1 D: S
  (正)If my father were here now, he would tell me what to do.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气中,主句的助动词只能用would,might等过去时。)
' g6 r* T) @1 @4 B8 u' e  3.中文:要是我知道她的电话号码,我就会给她打电话了。6 y8 q, ]( z; D4 O4 ]  F% }
  (误)If I knew her telephone number, I would have called her.
/ S( d( Q9 \; R  (正)If I had known her telephone number, I would have called her.(表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词要用过去完成时。)6 U" m( J1 [: |1 [2 V( g
  4.中文:要是昨天没下雨她也许会来。0 [8 Q& s: Y: m, [: M! O$ }
  (误)If it had not rained yesterday, he might come.
+ y& w; W" r; M, T: Z  (正)If it had not rained yesterday, he might have come.(表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,主句的动词要用助动词的过去时might,could等+HAVE+过去分词。)
5 @7 I- u3 O5 x5 t: z  5.中文:我不认为我会失败,但要是我失败了,我会再努力。
/ w( d+ d  C0 a: S# g  (误)I don't think that I shall fail. But if I failed, I would try again.
( K/ `8 I: t$ g; D! v  (正)I don't think that I shall fail. But if I should fail, I would try again.(表示与将来事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词用should加原形动词。)
: X! o5 a6 S& ?  6.中文:他要是带了钱就会买它。6 Y9 O9 y: x. V/ N: g; ]& B' |& y
  (误)Did he bring some money with him, he would have bought it.4 b, u' ]6 T0 a' w, O0 W( H1 V1 @
  (正)Had he brought some money with him, he would have bought it.(表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,条件从句的动词要用过去完成时,若省略if,则用倒装形式。)$ g& s7 v& `( P$ d) i3 t2 l
  7.中文:她要是个男人可能会当选总统。, h. m  Q9 ~' f3 y
  (误)Be she a man, she might be elected president.1 }7 r- d7 ]9 v  P
  (正)Were she a man, she might be elected president.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,不能用was,只能用were;若省略if,则将were放在句首。)
, m" C9 p( v  c& q, m# |  8.中文:我提议提高教师的薪资。% F  f8 Q2 d/ t8 X* Y/ w7 V9 F
  (误)I suggested that the teachers' wages could be increased.
6 Q) W4 Y5 _6 Y. Z6 L  p  (正)I suggested that the teachers' wages should be increased.(suggest当建议讲时,后面的名词从句的主要动词要用should加原形动词,should可以省略。): p9 h+ ]: x. K7 P4 n3 e
5 L- c1 [8 i  b: }. V  (误)It is important that he will do it.
- F% u2 ^' O: F! ?! f/ w/ K  (正)It is important that he do it.(It is important+that引导的名词从句的动词要用should加原形动词,should可以省略。)

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